2024 Collab: Week 20/21 “Stars” - VOTE CLOSED

As you already may know, GameDev is moving to an other platform.
It happens next week …

So I decided to prolong this Collab week bij a week. So it is basically week 20 and 21.
I am not sure if we (I) can manage or continue a Collab on the new platform.
We see what we can do with the tools we have then.

If it doesn’t work or it takes some time … I don’t know!
It was a fun ride with you all. Glad to know some of you a little bit more.
Lot’s of creative people and a lot of Blender knowledge.
Until then, have fun with Blender.

And maybe I see you on the new platform.


This is the Blender Collaboration 2024, week 20/21 challenge. Don’t be afraid to join, a lot of us are beginners. This is all to practice, have fun, learn, and get together.

This week’s subject is “Stars”.

The rules are simple. 1 subject, 1 entry, 1 week.
You create whatever object or scene or whatever you can think of that has something to do with the subject. It can be as simple or complicated as you want, all entries are welcome!
Post your picture here in this thread. At the end of the week, we start to vote. And if you are the winner, you may choose the next subject and win a unique badge.

Deadline: 2024-05-25T21:55:00Z

If you want to stay informed of the @ BlenderCollab?
Subscribe or unsubscribe to this “BlenderCollab” group.


I don’t know if this is a bad idea, but you could make a discord server for the collab?


There might be some growing pains involved as we all get used to our new hermit crab shell, but I’m sure something will be possible. Let’s see what happens =)


Just wanted to second that I think this would be a great idea on the existing game dev discord in its own channel, or on a new discord server.

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Oooh… If we can’t have collab on the new platform, that will mean a big downgrade! Let’s hope the forum retains its functionality :crossed_fingers:


There’s nothing stopping anybody from taking up a torch there, creating a thread and going for it. There where some challenges in the past in #blender discord channel threads. But A) the set of users here and on discord is not the same (even if there is big overlap), B) forum is a way better platform than discord for things like challenges. I know that nowadays discord is being used for basically everything, but it’s designed primary as chatting platform while gaming (stuff is moving fast, search is not great, threads/topics are not ‘native’ features to the experience). Plus I don’t think it’s good idea (esp. from :leaf: / company perspective) to hand all your data to just one random company (without ability to export it / backup it / restore it, etc.).


This. In Broadway lights.

I’m hopeful it won’t reach that point though. I suppose we’ll know soon enough!


i sincerely hope this weekly challenge finds a way to persevere through the site change, i personally have found this a good way out of a creative rut, it’s nice having a topic chosen for you and having to adapt your style to it, i’ve enjoyed all challenges ive participated in.


Hi @FedPete , I hope this will continue on the new platform. I love this idea. These challenges push the envelope for me.


I haven’t seen clarification on this anywhere… will the new site infrastructure mean that the Discourse forums here are going away? I love Discord, but that would be incredibly unfortunate.


That’s a good question! Maybe @Marc_Carlyon has some insights about forums?

Had a few ideas for ‘stars’ but decided to finish out this one. I called it ‘risky dreams’. Wanted to play with the model of my personal character I recently remade, so I re-rigged him for this project and had a simple enough idea.

Looking forward to however the weekly projects continue.


No, there should as far as I am aware be no effect on Discord.

As far as I can tell there are no new or different forums so far.
Community Link on the new site comes here still.
Seems to be a low priority and the switch over is all about the courses provision first, understandably.
So change will take a while longer for the forums I presume.


Discourse not discord :smiley: (similar name, discourse is software stack for the forum here)

Actually… I call it a win :smiley: (sure, the discourse version could be updated and maybe extended with a few features like image galleries etc. but it works good enough and there haven’t been huge innovation in this space as far as I know that would actually be useful for forum use case)

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Easily confused old man. :older_man:t3:


Even so, this should reduce confusion for the rest of us regarding the state of the forums. I was starting to wonder if I should be backing up my bookmarks =)

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discord servers that go public get some really cool features that would work great for this type of thing such as forum channels and pretty sure there’s ways to implement voting systems. its a good idea if the new gd forums wont work

Hmm, the topic is too broad. Zero ideas right now … :scream:

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