2022 Collab: Week 6 “Viking(s)” - CLOSED


Had to rush in the end… first time doing cloth simulation and hair!


Something like this?

Thanks for the advice.


A lot of entries this week! I’m loving it.


Most things are from previous projects, just appended. The trees though are from the free version of the Botaniq add-on. I thought about using Sappling Treegen, but a particle system on a particle system just doesn’t work in Blender and I didn’t want that much geometry for the vegetation. Nice catch on the wheels. I’ll probably fix that by final render now that I know it’s there and not really applicable to the time.


Made a few changes
So Final final I promise lol


Wow! I Iike this one!

We had a “Retro Game” collab 2021. When I had the same idea. But much older computer :wink:

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Vote for Vikings …

We @BlenderCollab have a few days to vote. You can vote fast but also think slowly about design, colors, technique, difficulty, subject, realism, etc. Choose consciously and not on your own entry.
And the new subject week 7 " Winter Activities has already started. The winner of this week’s “Vikings” challenge may select a subject for week 8.

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I’m very curious how much time you all spent on your submission.
I see amazing things, not just spending a few free hours…
You are an amazing bunch of creative people!


Oh… I always spend a good amount of hours because I insist on making the same mistakes every single time:

  • Modeling parts of the objects that are not going to be visible like the bottom of cartridge or everything on the tv
  • Testing the render and light tons of times even when I know it’s not even close to the final render
  • adding to much geometry and details for small objects
  • Adding a crazy number of subdivisions and displacement to the floor
  • posing the entire character instead of the visible area
  • creating a blanket that cover the entire char and simulating it instead of just the small visible area
  • Spend too much time optimizing the render speed
  • Adding invisible details like the green-ish glass in front of the screen instead of simply making the image slightly greener on gimp
  • the list continues…

This time I spent only 12 hours because I knew exactly what I wanted even before I turned the computer on


You went all the way back to the first computer game! I love it!


Oh, mine wasn’t meant to be a final of any kind. lol It’s nowhere near done. :smiley:


I usually spend 10-12ish hours on a submission. :slight_smile:


so… I thought the deadline was Sunday :frowning:
A bit rushed towards the end
Oh well, heres my viking


Love that game!

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I’d like to thank everyone for being so friendly and helpful.
I really need to work on my project management skills, if I’m going to try something like this again.


We have one every week. Feel free to join and have fun =)


Great entry though sad it was just too late for the vote. Certainly a contender!


its all good, learned a lot


I owe you credit.
At first I dismissed your suggestion that PSU my be to weak for my system and is overheating. It is 1200W so it has plenty umf, so I didn’t think that could be the issue. However I played with fan settings that week and set all case and radiator fans to 25%. I like quiet machine. I was monitoring temperatures and nothing was out of ordinary. But by reducing fan speed I greatly reduced air flow In section where my PSU is located. I’m assuming it was getting overheated because now I ramped up case fans to 45% and all temps went drastically down. CPU sits comfortably at 27C and GPU at 24C (35C before). Its amazing how big difference can be made by just two fans. Only downside now is my feet are getting cold :roll_eyes:
Thank you for your insight.

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I have these discussions too. But, when you progress in projects, then it’s handy to have clean detailed models for re-use. It helps also to have it named corectly, scaled to 1.

But it paid off, I like this detail. as much as other details.

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