WIP - Retro game

I go for pong 1964 on a PDP 1 … look-a-like. So my 2D sketch with parts.

Taking part in the


Nice begining :slight_smile:

I will also start with a drawing!

Yeah, the 2D game art course pays off immediately at gaming… :wink:

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Low poly

I now see, it must be UP and DOWN …

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Coming along nicely!

Btw. now I remembered that I made a pong in unreal a couple of months ago:


I like your implementation. Nice bat splash, sounds, music too. Good bounciness and reflection. Well-programmed interactive game.

But as I recall my games version, it had only a ‘Beep’ sound.
‘Beep’, ‘Beep’, ‘Beep’ for hours.
I think it must have driven my mom to craziness, but she never complained.

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Yes! I remember those sounds!

Early hardware wasn’t really good at sound making.

(my original plan for the game was to 1st create faithful clone and add a more modern version as an option… but I also had a time-frame for it. And I ran a bit out of time, so I mashed those two ideas together and modernized the original just a little bit)

Not sure I’m gona need this one, but it represents “old tech”.


pdp-1 - It’s not a monitor (raster) as we know it. But a vector (ray/beam) display as in an old fashioned oscilloscope. And they played asteroids on it.


Scaling was a bit a guess, but here it is.


Okay, it’s getting tougher. The hand and it many bones is difficult to manipulate. I did not add bending constrains. So finger control is difficult. Not sure what I do now. This is time consuming.


I don’t know if that helps (as I’m noob at riggin and animating)… but maybe add rest of the body (just basic shapes), rigify it and then pose it? Rigify seemed to have quite a nice controls for the hands…

btw. it’s well made hand!

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Yeah thanks, body project. A lot of work. I totally forgot I had it. Wanted to create the hand and then I thought. hmmm, fingers, nails … I did that once… I’m using rigify, no constrains active. But I’ll check, maybe I did something odd.

I did the rigging in a quick and dirty way. Just to check if it could work.
An other problem I see now It’s a lefty. Could work but I need two arms/hands.

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… or you can do similar thing to the render in a Hallowen Collab :smiley:. Nobody noticed 2 left hands… at first :sweat_smile:


Good hand. I just think the side view of the knuckle, index finger, should be thicker, fleshier. Close ups on the hand is upping the demands on it being right.


Yes, I see. But it’s a test run to see where I can expect problems. Timeboxing.


Eevee here.

Trying to make a dark glowing scene. But three lights at low wattage and still to bright in my head.

Environment light nearly black 0.05 value. lamp ceiling 25watt. monitor 5 watt.

I’m going for a composition vigette.


5.5 Render minutes of terror.

It’s getting annoying again. Slow machine. 4 million tri’s. 4GB render ram. Disk swapping …
The denoiser has a field day. 128 Cycles samples.

The radio tubes, which was Alt-d, aren’t linked duplicates anymore for some reason. Or don’t behave as such.


Looks good.

I would not even consider a 5.5 minute render slow, lol. Over the hour is irritating.


I didn’t tell you, that after that Blender crashes …

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