2022 Collab: Week 6 “Viking(s)” - CLOSED

It’s a good question and it has a few answers:

  • I certainly have more experience with ZBrush, so there is that.

  • ZBrush was made exclusively for sculpting and has been the industry standard for years. Because of this, there are some advantages it has over Blender. For example it can easily handle much much higher poly counts, into the 10’s of millions depending on your cpu.

  • I want to be as versatile as possible, and so be as familiar with as many tools as possible.

  • Lastly it’s easily the most expensive piece of software I’ve ever gotten, so I want to make the most of it before my version becomes outdated since it’s becoming a subscription service :sob:

One thing I really like about Blender’s sculpting is that you can have all the different elements going on in the scene, fur, hair, anything you want, rendering in real time and still make sculpting changes on the fly. I was doing this until the very end of this project, trying to make it look more like Hiccup.

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I feel the pain

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@Digitz thanks, It really made a difference.


You guys are getting way too good at this. Truly amazing entries.


Add some torches … a great view as if you were boarding …

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Loving this solution …
Maybe a filter get some tv-lines / noise …

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There are some scan lines… I’ll make then stronger

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Between technical issues and not much time at all (I’ve had more excuses prepared but this are my favorite :slight_smile: ) I had to kill this project but at least I’m hiving him descent send off…


I absolutely will not be done on time for this one. But it is progressing very nicely. I do have my young viking done and majority of the environment is finished.


I miss water, because now it’s look like sand dunes in the dessert. Not so much beach.
So the reference to a viking helmet is less.

Yeah, I know. I was going to do an underwater scene, but I realized I wasn’t going to make it by the deadline, so I tried to savage it.

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If you add a blue volumetric scatter to the world and some fake caustics it may look an underwater scene

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This looks great, nice job!

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Okay everyone, thank you for the feedback, here is my final submission! :slight_smile:


I did that for Eeevee Fish Tank

Looking very nice. Are the trees ready made from an add on?
Nice ropes, hanging cloths. Good cart, I assume much is taken from whatever the young Viking is a part of? Iron rims though on the wheels?



Had to rush in the end… first time doing cloth simulation and hair!


Something like this?

Thanks for the advice.


A lot of entries this week! I’m loving it.


Most things are from previous projects, just appended. The trees though are from the free version of the Botaniq add-on. I thought about using Sappling Treegen, but a particle system on a particle system just doesn’t work in Blender and I didn’t want that much geometry for the vegetation. Nice catch on the wheels. I’ll probably fix that by final render now that I know it’s there and not really applicable to the time.


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