Show us your moment sketch!

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The moment is rescuing an NPC from Entry to Exit evading all the enemies. The player has to try to use stealth and engage in combat only if necessary since the NPC can be in danger. The player has an additional option of choosing the forest but may have to fight off wild animals which got a lower health points than the normal enemy.

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Rescue the captured daughter or let the rogue guards do as they please and have a wash in the lake…your choice!

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Not only am I learning basic game design skills, I’ve also just learned how to make and import brushes to GIMP. :smiley:

The player will have the choice between following the cobbled road through the village, coming into contact with hostile soldiers, or veering off onto a dirt track through a forest which may or may not contain a foe far more dangerous.

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Here is my little pixel moment:


Its basically a town surrounded by a forest and a mountain where the enemy is patrolling.

There is one patrol and a few guards inside the skeleton village, which has an outpost in the mountains.

If the Skeletons are defeated the NPC will show up, to thank the player and start giving him quests.

the player can choose not to help the town and find a camp site in the woods.

Here is my moment sketch, enjoy!

I’ll need to add in some healing for this to work out right.

My sketch.
My family will probably chime in and they are very good with story so that will just add to it!

Here’s my sketch! The objective of the moment is to infiltrate the warehouse. The meaningful choice is the
method of entry (there’s a vent on the right-hand side, a ladder to the roof on the left, and the main gate)

Circles with crosses indicate enemies and the lines indicate their patrol path.

The player starts outside the fence and can enter via the front gate or via a hole on the left-hand side. Enemies in the corner are going to have large but narrow FOV and alert the other guards to the player last known position.

Arrows indicate cameras.


rough draft of the Sea Side Docks, dock manager can provide a quest to help you get what you need to pay tribute, battling the captain straight off will carry a different set of consequences. there is a way around to avoid making either choice, which would be a piratey thing to do :slight_smile:

I know, my handwriting’s bad. Teachers in elementary, high, and college all made sure I knew that!

I’m old fashioned. No cellphone, but I do have a webcam I’d used for zoom meetings that I purchased at the start of the panic-demic.

Bandits with fake guard clothes take village, citizen asks to save.
Big guy will patrol the village, you can challenge him or not. Also player can destroy boxes to open secret path through the trees

The player can fight through the guards at the top or try to evade the monster at the bottom so he can get across the bridge and fight less guards.

The player must retrieve a stolen ring from a group of bandits. He can brute force his way and attack the bandits or he can sneak behind the bandit shack to find the ring in one of the crates by moving in when the bandits patrol away from the player. There is also a hidden route that the player can take which would encounter far less bandits along the way.

The player is a soldier from allied forces and they are at war with enemy faction, with the protag strayed in enemy territory, he must find his way back to regroup with allied forces. The choice here is that he can go through the enemy camp (sneak or brute force) stationed ahead, or take another route which goes to the forest and encounter some wild beasts. A random npc will give the info of the choices he can make.

I was going for a pacifist route and fighter route. Both are different entrances to the same mine, where you go to solve the quest.

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A bit similar to Rick’s one but I think this is great.

Sketch of my moment. Which path should the player take? Which building is the hidden item located or is it in the cave? Would the NPCs be of any help? What else could the player find in this town or that cave? Fight or stealth?

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