Show us your moment sketch!

The adventure begins at the tavern.


after going to the mountains with the mcguffin you find the final test before your mission reach the exit of your village (stealth is optional)

I love the design you went with!

The only choice player have is If the player can defeat the bandits as soon as possible without causing the death of more than three villagers, they will receive a bonus item. After that, player will go to bandit hideout and defeat their boss.

So this is my sketch for the first moment is: there is damsel in distress. She asks us for help to get rid of the bandits looting her village. You got to go to her house and retrieve her family heirloom.

And this is the result in Unity. I’m using some Synty assets I bought from Humble… couse why not? :slight_smile:

Damsel is even less poly that hero though :frowning:

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Welcome to the community!

I like all the ideas you have going through your head, nice work sketching out all your ideas, many possibilities await, can’t wait to see future production!

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I am awful at using Paint with a mouse, but I think this roughly shows what I’m laying out in Unity. There’s a road going through a town with stacks of crates near the front obscuring part of the main road in. Enemies are in red with rough paths shown for their patrols. I didn’t explicitly write out that the player can either go through the center of town or hug the mountains right of town to avoid most of the guards, but hopefully the map shows that.

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There are two choices to the player, the first one if he doesn’t take the main bridge then will meet the hidden boss.
The second one is if the player takes the detour around the mountain, he will face a strong enemy as well as find a hidden treasure.

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Window Key + W… I never knew. Such a handy little tool

Just another one. Finally trying to battle out the RPG course. So much fun

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simple game design!

Drawing is not my strong suit, but this is my overall idea

I didn’t quite realize the zoom factor didn’t cover the whole size of the image canvas…
I could’ve used some extra space…

So the idea is the player is tasked to fetch some water from the well, and just outside of town he meets some NPC telling him their dog ran away into a nearby cave.

The catch is that the (path to) the cave is guarded because of the dangers within, so there’s some guard post blocking the main path. Some guards at the entrance, some moving around, patroling between the path and their outpost.
Beyond the well there’s a smaller path going around the outpost. Here is one guard (slower, dumber, but tougher) that does a lazy job and zik-zaks around the path and through the trees, so with a little sneaking one should be able to easily get around that one.

The “moment” would be getting the info about the runaway dog from the NPC up to getting to the cave’s entrance…

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