Share Your Completed Moment Here!

My First Moment added fog and played with light settings.


Love the twist! At first I thought they were zombies soldiers <3

RPG Wizard Enters Dwarven Ruins Patrolled By Ice Sprites

Additional videos can be found on my twitter: j_cassady_


My reveal link

Looks cool…

How did you do the A & D keys?


My moment:

Here you can see my first attempt at creating a moment in my RPG.
The idea is to enter the village where a farmer has lost his beautiful daughter and you need to look for her. Before leaving the town, the mayor asks you to look for some of the guards, who have been on patrol for too long by that moment. A few moments later, you find them all in the woods…
The NPCs, other than the guards, are not implemented, though, but that’s the story idea I have in mind :wink:

This is what I’ve come up with for my first moment in the RPG Core Combat section. Still has a lot of polishing to be done and level design is not my forte but I enjoyed making this! I added some music and a custom camera that can be rotated around the player with holding the right mouse button.



Here is my completed first moment:

I have already tweaked some things since taking this clip (like remembering to rebake the navmesh), I also want to add some UI to indicate health, which what I am currently working on, then I’ll get back to the course… :slight_smile:
Edit: new Video of more polished cinematic - with GUI, New Enemies, and a MiniBoss!

Hello there. I only a month learning unity. And I mostly programmer not an artist, so this is my first try…

I made a start level cinematic but I also changed it so it’s when you run over by the exit.

Well it was a real challenge. After my first try I understand one thing - I need to know how to make nice levels first. What is vegetation system? How to place details? And… why all I done looks so unnatural and ugly? So I pause this course and take a course Penny de Byl about terrain generation. Also I got some assets from Asset Store, thank you black Friday - it save me a lot of money. Models from Infinity PBM is amazing, but it take time to integrate them into the scene. It was really a great challenge - I have 2 blocks and dodge animations - and it is great, but how implement all it in game? I try different tactics and I know - It will here in this course a bit later somewhere. so I implement it after some tries myself. Also I try to connect 2 terrains together and find - it works!!! You can just connect one terrain to other. NavMeshAgent looks at both as at one. I do not show you my second terrain, sorry, but I think to long video it not great at all. Also honestly I always lost in this forest )))) It is to big. But it is completely different from what you see on this video. Also I made some canvases to show the story line and a choice for player )


Looks great man, very natural.
Thanks, i’ll check out the course too for terrain, every environment i made so far sucks.

This is my flythrough, had fun doing this! It’s a bit wonky though.
But there are geese…and cats!

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This moment is actually made at the end of Scene Management, but before Saving Asset Pack.

The GDD (in progress) is here: Copy of RPG 1.5-Page GDD Template - Google Docs

The player is in Town, beats up a couple attacking thugs, and takes a medieval portal (!!!) to a Dungeon to get in more fights. Then, since these are the only two levels so far, every dungeon portal goes back to town, despite what road signs might say.

Music added from Unity Asset Store free assets: Orchestral Music Pro 1.1 free samples, RPG Orchestral Essentials (LEGACY) free samples, RPG Game Music free samples.


so my 1st cutscene

I used the Timeline to Activate all of my soldiers that have patrol routes. I also used the Time Line to disable and enable my player. No Dependencies and no forgetting to cancel an action or disabling a component.


Cutscene Game Play Part 1
Game Play Part 2

Here is my first moment. Tell me what you guys think in the comments…

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