Moment - Old Man Graybeard ascends Treasure Hill to retrieve the Box of Bounty

Hi fellow RPG students! For my Moment, I plan to update the hill location I’ve been using while working through the enemy AI section of the course.

OVERVIEW: “Old Man Graybeard ascends Treasure Hill to retrieve the Box of Bounty.”

LOCATION: Outside of town.

OBJECTIVE: Retrieve the treasure box without succumbing to the guard’s defenses.

MEANINGFUL PLAYER CHOICE: A) Engage in direct combat with guards, B) or draw them away from treasure with aggro.

Video source on twitter - j_cassady_


What inspired you to make this?

Kevin, thanks for the question. There was definitely some “king of the hill” inspiration going into this scene. The more I worked on my moment, the more it changed:

The hill and box is now represented by a relic within some icy dwarven ruins. Short video on my twitter. I’m saving the actual hill moment for things we’re learning in upcoming lessons.


It looks great, amazing what you did with the terrain.

Thanks for the compliment Yee – if you’re curious to see the final moment I came up with, it’s been shared in the appropriate GameDevTV thread below:

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