Share Your Completed Moment Here!

Hi Sam, thank you very much.

The RPG course was a big part of it but I’ve used stuff from nearly every lesson you guys have done over the past few years - particle collisions from Argon Blaster, world space tile placement (for the crops) from Realm Rush and most recently the Inventory course… The Mech UI (bottom left) has your Show/Hide script attached.

As for playing it, it’s very much in Alpha, a lot of dependencies and so forth, a lot of extraneous code and assets - as soon as I have a playable demo I’ll let you know!

(If you’d like me to make a modified video with different audio or showing more features - inventory system for example, just let me know)

I’d love to share it on twitter, what handle should I direct it at,

This is exactly what the end goal of all of these courses is. Being able to take concepts from wherever you need them, not to just be stuck in the material from one particular course or section. Well done!


At directly.

Done, thanks Sam

Great job. Videos like these make me want to work harder on mine.

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This is awesome, great job! Was it inspired by Love, Death, and Robots?

Thanks Brian. I was working on a mech construction game when I saw LD&R and realised farming would be a better fit. I’m a big fan of farming RPGs and thought the combination would be interesting.

A Moonlit Death…


My first moment. an introduction to a stealth based game, still a long way to go, but this course is really helping me thanks a lot guys.

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Finished moment from my project:

Additional tools used:

  • Blender (3D models, sprites and anim)
  • Gimp (sprite edit)
  • Audacity (sound, music edit)
  • Musescore (composing)
  • paint NET (sprite edit)
  • DialogCreature (dialogue contents, in progress)
  • OpenOffice Calc (preparing csv’s of stats for each class)

External (mostly placeholder) assets:

  • Doomguy face by Reinchard
  • Standard assets water
  • clothes stitching (i.e. bone reparenting) script by masterprompt (adapted)

There are some issues I am running into, and would be grateful if you’d happen to share the answer either here or in private message

  1. The point lights do not illuminate smoothly the terrain, instead the light highlights ± the texture layer tile (visible sharp transition to the next tile). I know next to nothing about the lighting system, prebaking… but I tried various settings, none helped
  2. The rigged mesh animations I fine tuned in Blender are a bit off when imported (e.g. the hand fingers unnatural bend or skin coming through clothes) - seems like a slight difference in taking vertex weights. It is mostly invisible from distance, but is it correct to assume this might be due to Unity limiting number of bones influencing one vertex?
  3. Getting unity fallback editor errors most of the time, not bothered, but not sure why…
  4. Any means to control bilboard grass added via Terrain - precisely its response to Wind (other than changing the Wind settings) ?
  5. With too large a mesh (e.g. central suqare as a whole), the inspector throws a warning, that the object is too large for the lightmap. (So far I was mostly using generic materials attached to different UV unwrapped parts of the import (rather than making a dedicated material for the model, but I guess that’s not the problem). Is dividing the mesh a solution?

I also wrote a dialog editor (you can see the result used in the game)

which is in progress. At this moment it is complete (the video is slightly dated) standalone program allowing to develop for other platforms as well, though I plan to migrate it to the Unity GUI so that others may use it inside their project and modifiy accordingly as an asset pack :slight_smile:


I’m amazed with the results of this course!

Check my first moment below.

My First Moment

Besides the things taught in the course, I implemented a sneak mechanic, the player can hide in “Hiding Spots”, but only if out of combat (I could consider the Out/In of combat a feature as well but It was really simple and short).

*I had this missing shader problem only in the build, intthe editor it was fine.

I also implemented a Damage Pop Up system for both player and AI, it needs some tweaks and better animations (I was inspired in the Ragnarok Online damage pop up).

Las but not least, some sound, It gives a whole level of depth. The attack and run animation having event points helped me a lot, i just had to call the sound plays on those.

I’m sorry for the crop I was so excited that I messed up the recording.

The sound is great. The feel of the whole thing is awesome and I love the new mechanic!

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Beautiful! Reminds me of Runescape a little :joy:

Awesome that you built so much extra stuff. The dialogue editor looks better that the one I’m working on :smiley:

Thank you for the compliments, I will cotinue the series and I hope to submit a full work soon.

Please let me know what you think of my cinematic!

Here’s my first moment!

I have been loving this course till now. Now that the first moment is out, I am deciding whether to continue with the course right away to learn about scene management and saving systems, or to pause on the course and instead work on polishing the gameplay.

Please let me know what you think of the moment. And any advice to the concern above. Thanks!

Here is my first Moment/Level

Just added night theme to it and u can rotate camera by using A & D keys


Here´s my moment:


Here’s my cinematic fly :slight_smile:


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