The future of Blender releases has been announced.
The key thing will be LTS, Long Term Support. A version in that number that will be maintained for two years. Allowing the next version to ‘break’ it when making changes. This is most key to commercial studios, working on long term projects, so they need to stick to one version for its duration. Therefore need it fixed if there is a bug or problem, apparently.
Feb 2020 --------- 2.82
May 2020----------2.83------LTS 2 years support
Aug 2020----------2.90
Nov 2020--------- 2.91
Feb 2021----------2.92
May 2021---------2.93-------LTS 2 years support
This pattern to be repeated annually.
I mention this here, as I suspect this will also be useful for courses such as this. Which can then be based on the LTS versions, so things do not change a bit with every update. In May the release will be a LTS version and updated lectures could be correct for that version. Leaving a year before the next one that might need minor corrections in some lectures, or major overhauls in some sections. A more stable basis to work to.