Discussing the remaster

Yes, I already have access to the 2.79 archived version of the course. :grinning:

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Cell fracture for example just plain does not work beyond 2.79 or at least any method i can find as it used layers and refuses to work with collections.
The motion graphics can be converted from 2.79 but it was an extra that should have been in a different course.
The section was very very rarely used as well as most reverted to you tube after sculpting and never came back so its was retired as it was just bloating out the course and not being used.
The decision was made at this point to keep it in the archive but not to update the bonus sections due to the nature of the course.

Thats not to say we wont be doing a seperate course if it is wanted on VFX and MantraFlow but they would involved either myself or someone else doing a dive on the subject and thats not something i currently have the time to do.

Just looked up cell fracture and it appears to be working just fine in 2.8. Though I never got it to do what I wanted in 2.79. lol. Just watched a video where they used cell fracture in the first half then their own Khaos add on they were promoting for flames and explosive dust. Just no question or suggestion of CF not working. No layers used or needed.

I guess a lot changes quickly in Blender these days. Hard to keep up with. The video was 6 months old. Another 2 months.

If anything CF is improved.

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Yeah it might be longer than 6 months ago i tried it as i know the motion graphics one does work but is beyond my capability to teach it!

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