Collab 2021W09 - Canyon Onslaught

Diary/scratchpad for

Main idea: re-imagining classic game of River Raid. It looked like that:


It’s not the first game I played, but it’s the first that I remember having fond memories around it.

Actually, quite a while ago I have drafted myself a plan of “learning gamedev”. There were many things on it, but one of it was - to recreate a few classic games, including River Raid. So I take this opportunity to finally kickoff this project. The end goal is to release it on itch, so I was brainstorming for a title that wouldn’t infringe on anyone’s copyrights :sweat_smile:. And I come up with “Canyon Onslaught” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. Maybe I’ll come up with better idea later, but it will do for now.

To be clear - I don’t even imagine to make a game in a week (I possibly could do something if I would jam for whole week, but that’s not the point). This week I want to focus on Collab, so first of all establish “art direction” and create a prototype assets and scene for the game.


hmmm … assets

  • sprite like
  • isometric
  • orthographic
  • full blown 3D

Or a totally new design look-a-like …

Pencil and paper, creating thumbnails …

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For sure the assets will be 3D, the presentation is a question… and art style is also a question - even on a spectrum from low poly to realistic there are many choices… and a theme. As I looked it up there is no set theme for the game, but it’s a jet figther (so modern theme), but in my memories it was rather ww2 (maybe because of baloons :D).

I don’t think I need to be really faithful to the original concept - both in theme/style or presentation. I’m thinking of what really was ‘the spirit’ of the game. :thinking:

It’s good that I’m just about to begin “Creating Thumbnails” lesson in the drawing course :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: but for me is a drawing tablet and Krita, not pencil and paper…

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I’m not that good to quickly draw different perspectives (yet :stuck_out_tongue: ). I will brainstorm model designs “on paper”. So instead I used google and pureref.

I don’t want it to be fully top-down perspective, or not “behind the ship” perspective like in Argon Assult (ha! that was my first post here!). Plus I like the best the art from the cartridge…

So isometric perspective it is!

Art direction

Low-to-mid poly style. Something like modular vehicles from character course.

I will keep it more or less to the original. That is, modern settings, but I will most like push it to the future. I am thinking about pushing it quite far to the future and make it quite colorful (think loads of emission like here.

Reference board points to the list of basic assets I need.


  • Riverbed (terrain) with water
  • Fuel depot
  • Bridge and a road
  • Couple of trees for the side of the river
  • Couple of buildings for the side of the river

Dynamic/moving things

  • Player fighter jet
  • Warship
  • Helicopter
  • Enemy fighter jets
  • Hot Air Balloon
  • Tank
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Another ref board (this time for main “mechanical” models):

Now onto drawing/concepting player airplane (though as you can see from the board -> it might not be an airplane at all - I am drawn to more scify-like theme :thinking:).

And btw. someone made a sequel!

PS. Now that I am over-analysing the game I think that balloons were stupid in the game :thinking:

Time to sleep, but first - update… first concept “hero” planes:

(at 8… I discovered mirror tool :sweat_smile:)


I might be stalling here a bit… but did a few more concepts for hero plane…

Now… which one to choose? :thinking:


Kit-bashing is probably the way to go with this project… make a couple of elements like turbines, wings, etc… then schmoesh them together to make variations. That way you don’t have to commit to a specific design.


That would be the best approach. I’ll see how much I can progress till end of tomorrow - basically was stuck at long hours at work for whole week… :crossed_fingers: that I’ll be able to do something on time


I’ve chosen design 17. How it looks:

Will probably not manage to built whole scene, but at least will have something :slight_smile:


Change of plans: going low poly :stuck_out_tongue:

(and change the shape, as I didn’t really like how it looked)


Come back in an hour or two and you will have changed game too! lol.

Looks a good fantasy jet though.

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again I should have chosen something simpler :sweat_smile:

armed hero ship… now a break and quickly doing the remaining 95% elements of the scene :sweat_smile:




Tweaked warship a bit:

And made a fuel ‘tanker’:


And a balloon…

ok, I will reuse the low poly tank I already have:

or one of those:

So I need to do a helicopter… that will be the hardest one to do :sweat_smile:


I see a light at the end of the tunnel… a few more hours left…


closer and closer…


What no submarines?!

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Where there submarines in river raid? :joy:

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