Collab 2021W09 - Canyon Onslaught

Now I was just playing around…

Still need to import the tank and make bridge! …panic!

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Another iteration…

Anything to improve in last hour?

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Smoke and explosions!

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I asked about last hour improvements :smiley: now it’s half an hour :sweat_smile:

But on a serious note… That’s a great suggestion! I did plan to do this, but in unreal. And also engine trails, and missile trail… and bullets, water splashes, etc. I know how to do it all there… But for Blender - to little time for me now :(. I did smoke/fire once (for the collab), but that took a long time to make and tweak…and that was just one.

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Ok half hour, man on the bank fishing. :fishing_pole_and_fish:

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Like that?


(fisherman source)

lol, that was 10 minutes :joy:

EDIT: but lol, actually I could probably model it in half an hour… :joy:

EDiT2: Time start, 11:54 on my clock




I forgot how to use rigify and had to find a tutorial for that :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: this is the “tutorial” I’ve used for reminding myself how to rig… Imphenzia can model whole low poly character and rig it in 10 minutes… The one that I did in half an hour is quite bad and really cannot be compared to the ones that Stefan is making :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s it! Now as that was quick after all where is his fishing buddy in a rowing boat? :canoe:

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