About 'Getting Started End Of Section Challenge'!

Could have improved the lighting of the back building but stopped after an hour.

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Yes, lighting is always difficult. Especially when you have something in you mind.
The bluish glow, is moonlight to me.
If you wanted to highlight the building the back. Use some spotlights.

Took the car and highway that I made from the mid section challenge and combined it with the brick wall, tunnel and lamps from previous sections. Think it came together alright.

Tried using cycles but got a very grainy result, even after boosting the samples to 512, maybe someone can help me with that? Am I supposed to boost something way more with volumetric materials?




Adding a car, never thought about that!

This is normal for Cycles. But 512 samples isn’t that much!
But too much for reasonable fast renders. You could go for the denoiser option.



Ah ok, the denoise helps alot, and I pushed the samples up to 1024. Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Cool! Maybe adding two light cones as head lights for two beams …?

Can I invite you to vote for our weekly Blender collaboration project?

This is what I made for the challenge! I still don’t really know how to add textures and materials too well, clearly.


Very nice composition. It looks very good.

Here’s my project, cheated using node wrangler, landscape add on and a few image textures :slight_smile:


There is nothing about cheating with the node wrangler.
It reduces mistakes and keeps away repetitive task.
But that said, you still need to understand why and how material nodes interact with each other.

But you have a nice scene going on. It think the waves in the river need more attention (smaller, changed direction of the waves).

These are all great, the personal interpretations are what really make them art.
I guess I started my own tread with mine, but I’ll put it here too so more people can see it.
I ended up 17 minutes over the hour, I had to get the final lighting and fog tweaks just right. :slight_smile:


I just have an affliction for demons, zombies, dark and death…
But don’t worry! I also love people, reggea and work in a social job :smiley:

I had fun!

Thanks for this and all the other courses!



Eevee :

Cycles :

I like the mood that darkness and fog can bring :slight_smile:


Great atmosphere!
I would change the street lanterns (modern looking) as a bit more in the castle style.

Yeah you’re right! But that wouldn’t be the only thing I probably should change :smiley:
Thanks for the feedback!

I Found 4 Where Is 5th One

here is list what I found

legs on window
over the lamp

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Here Is What i came Up With

Long Description

I Was Thinking To Make It Bit More Brighter But
It Took 10 Mins To Render (Don’t Know Why This Much Long )
so I Said: Leave It As It IS
Well I Learned Many Things Out There
Volume Was New For Me Struggled a Bit In It To Get Desired Effect
But Finally I Said My Self “BE HAPPY” You Did it in An Hour :grinning:
Now Hopping Into Next Section


On the roof of the house near the police car (left side).

yes, fog, clouds, smoke is a difficult Blender option.
And works best in Cycles, but also generates a lot of noise (fireflies).
Many times I want to use it, but development is a slow task. So I cancel the idea.
I just had a discussion with my self to add smoke on this project. But I didn’t

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that was tricky

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