Why will YOU persevere with this course?

I support developers who use Visual Studio - looks like a fun way of learning how better to relate to them.

I love gaming, and i always play games and think how would i do this. So i find myself signed up to try out this class.

I think it’s fun coding and making games.
I believe I am going to get really good at making games.
I already have game ideas I always wanted to make and I am trying to learn how to make them.
I want to achieve greatness through making amazing games and have people know me by name.
It has always been my dream to learn how to become a game designer that works with others or on my own.

As a student I did a lot of cources for programming C and Assembler and Matlab etc. There is not so much programming in my workplace. The nearest thing is occational powershell and batch-scripting at really low level.
At home, my kids are trying different tools to create games with the least amount of programming and they struggle to get something up and running.
My primary goal is to help them by learning Unreal engine myself. I think this will be fun both for me and the kids.
Secondary goal is to refresh and upgrade my mental toolbox with this course, enabling me to write better scripts at work.

Because I think that I can be a professional game developer in this case unreal engine. I hope I can contribute someone who needs my knowledge

Also it’s my passion the video games

Hey all and Ben!

This is my second course with Gamedev.tv (the first being the Unity C# introductory course) and I am going to persevere through this course because I have completed one of these courses before, and I want to learn as much as I can about game development. I currently work in marketing at a large developer, and I am eager to move over to the development side. I’m hoping that by furthering my education and learning more of the toolsets, that I’ll be able to create things that demonstrate my skill as a designer.

I gotta thank Ben and rest of the team for creating this course first of all.

I have had a lot of ideas in my head that I want to actualize and bring it to the real world (I picked up drawing a few months back recently for the same reason), figured out with my more technical background and exposure to programming. I would do this in the form of video games, I wanted a way to learn C++ that is engaging and can get me closer to my goals. Hopefully grasping how to code and game design aspects so I can transfer those skills from UE4 to retro game development as well.

I wanted to enroll in a different course and a working C++ knowledge is a prerequisite.
I purchased this course over a year ago and never started always telling myself I’ll do it later - well, it’s later NOW. I’ve done a lot in unreal using Blueprints but too often I’d hit a roadblock for my lack of C++ skills. It’s time to level up, no more excuses.

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친구랑 같이 배우기로 했어 Yo~ ㅗㅜㅑ ㄱㅈㅇ

This course was bought for me by a company in the process of training me. They said this course will allow me to quickly become a part of their production pipeline.
I love programming in general so its rare that I feel a lack of motivation to learn, but i usually play games when I need a break and after a lazy day I usually get an idea as to how to solve the “thing” that was frustrating me before.
As to what I hope to create, my job at the company pretty much fits perfectly what I enjoy doing: Making games and tools for making games. So much so that I was hired after showing a tool for “codeless” gamemaking in Unity3D. I hope this course can give me the jumpstart I need to develop in unreal with the same proficiency I had in unity.

I just want to see how hotdogs are made, I started to be more interested in the graphic, techniques, game design and gameplay, more about how and what makes a good game, I have a folder full of game ideas so I know what to do so I’m learning how to do it.

Hey everyone,
I want to learn how to build games with unreal engine, I have some idea of a game and I want to at least build some demo and bring it to life.

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I’m here to improve my limited knowledge in C++ in hopefully a fun way.

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good luck :slight_smile:

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I’ve had this course forever but I’ve been focusing on Unity, but I’ve had an idea for a big game I want to do and Unreal would be the better choice, so I’m going to learn how so that I can get to work on that game.

I used to use Unreal in school but never with programming, so I want to get back into it and learn the whole thing.

I do want a job in the industry but I’m using Unity for that at the moment. I just want to make games and I’m so excited about the ideas I have that they’re going to keep me going until the end and beyond this course.

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After many years in the IT industry working in mainly the data architecture space, I’m looking to start a second career or perhaps just morph my current career and get back to what drew me to my IT career in the first place: coding. Being able to land a game developer job would be my ultimate dream. So I thought learning C++ would be the best language and learning the Unreal Engine would be a bonus. And as others have said I’d love to begin putting together a portfolio of game projects.

What will help me persevere with this course? Thought of working where my passion lies motivates me to keep at it. That and several cases of Raspberry and/or Peach Diet Snapple.

I want to get into coding more professionally and I thought building my confidence by learning a language I don’t know. I’m very thrilled by the idea of knowing how to code well in c++ since it is everywhere. and I bought this course as fun way to learn, through creative games

Hi, i would like to learn this course for multiple reason. i have a degree in film yet am highly scientific as i also studied several years of Physics at university. while doing so i enjoyed coding. as i was researching and looking for something i enjoy it seems to me that this is a good path of exploration hopefully leading to something fruitful, that i may actually make some money in the long run while doing something which entertains me and does not suck the life out of me. So i decided to create a game as a way to learn.

Hello, I hope to create fun games as a creative outlet and learn how to use c++ code for game development. To get through tough times I’m going to to remember all the other new skills I’ve learned over the past several years and the struggles I went through for those things knowing that in the end it will be worth it. In the end I hope to be on my way to creating some cool games (hopefully some in the horror genre)!

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