Why will YOU persevere with this course?

I’ve wanted to create games ever since I was a little kid. Now with some C++ experience under my belt and a future that holds a computer science degree with a game dev minor, I feel more motivated than ever to make that dream become a reality.

I wish to take this course to refresh C++ and learn how to apply it in a gaming world. I am a C++ programmer but write code for a CAD system.

Hi all,

I want to improve my C++ skills, since I didn’t really go through a proper C++ training I want an overview of the fundamentals. And of course it’s going to be much easier if one does it in a fun way of making games.

I hope to build some cool stuff and maybe expand my portfolio a little.

When times get tough for me, I usually take a break, do some manual work to get my head out of the loop and maybe reset my point of view.


I am going to university this fall and thought it would be a good idea to get a head start on programming in the summer!
I know a bit of C++ but I have never made anything so when I saw that we were going to create 4 games through this course, it seemed like a perfect option for me!
When things get hard, I’ll ask the community for help!


Been effectively sitting on my butt for the past year looking for a job after a layoff, so hoping this will both get me a solid base for coding (only did C# and python scripting for QA development in my last job) as well as get me back into a working mindset and distract my anxiety of waiting on job apps. Hopefully looking to see if this can help me also get into restarting some projects I’ve wanted to do, but never took the time or initiative to go forward with them.

I hope to either recreate an RPG demo I made before, with hopefully some streamlined and improved concepts, or bring out another idea I’ve held onto and wanted to try. Like many people here, I have several ideas in mind, but I’ll keep it simple for now and look to learn.

Getting through tough times? Screaming and running around in my head while buckling down and doing what I can, would be my honest answer.

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I take this course because I like to be a game developer and i want to create a game like assassins creed series

for me this is chance to change my life, my career. After eleven years in sales department in one of Polish telecoms, I need to change something. I dream about making Indie Games. I was always player. Even now with wife and two kids I still play…of course when everybody is asleep. Couple weeks ago I started to learrn myself C++. I hope to use it to build my first 2D or 3D game.

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I have been looking into making a career change and wanted to learn more about game development. I took C++ in high school and loved it! I hope to be able to create a adventure game that has puzzles almost like the Legend of Zelda. I would also love to create a First Person Shooter like Overwatch. I have found that the best way to get through the tough times is the take a step back and look at the bigger picture and hopefully find a new perspective on the situation.


Because I want to make my own game

Hello all! I have a very basic but limited knowledge of C++ but I want to bring it up to expert level. I’m looking to create my own games along with eventually starting my own game company. I’m already working on a project in Blender that I’m hoping to finish tomorrow, then my next step is learning how to put everything together in UE4 to make my first actual game.

I’ve been working as a freelance blueprint and c++ developer for a couple of years now. I feel pretty confident in my ability to get any task done, but am entirely self taught. I’m hoping to find some potholes in my knowledge, and maybe fill some gaps that typically cause me grief on difficult, and time sensitive, contracts. I will persevere on this because I am choosing to invest in myself, and reviewing the fundamental will be tremendously helpful!

Hi Everyone,
I wanted to take this course because I want to create a realistic Airport Simulator. I attempted it on Unity but scraped the project because of time. Now I want to redo the project and this time on Unreal. That is my main ambition and dream - to be able to build my dream game.

I have so many ideas for games that I would like to make, I just need the knowledge of the tools to be able to make it happen. Ever since I was a teen, I wanted to learn how to make videos games, and now I am finally on my way to learning how.

So heres my response to the challenge you set :slight_smile:
A few years ago i signed upto a course through Train2Game and spent ALOT of money which ended up being a complete waste of time as speaking to alot of industry people the company had no real rep that it once used to have. A few years later i hear about Udemy and at this point instead of making games im streaming them via twitch and decided be awesome to have the skills to be able to make games and also broaden my skillbase and potentially look at a new carear one so here i am trying this course :slight_smile:
Theres always going to be tough times in anything i suppose ill deal with it like any situation take a break and stay focused and keep the end goal in site.

Here is the response to the set challenge.

When i was a kid i always had a interest in computers and all the different languages that made programs work. I spend a bit of time tinkering and learning but never really took it any further. Now im 29 and im a simple car mechanic. But my hobby for computers and their language still interests me. I’ve spend some time learning html, php and some python but my hearth goes out towards gaming and making games. Couple months back i ran into the unreal course from you on udemy and decided to pick it up for fun.
Now that my job might be changing soon i thought it was time to pick up my hobby that i had as a kid and start learning different languages and skillsets. So that hopefully i might be able to but them forward and find a job or do my own work for the industry.

Im here because i am interested to learn how to develop games and i had no idea where to start from so here i am. I hope to create anything form of games honestly just trying to get used to it before i take the classes in college. In tough times i like to take a break and relax whether its playing a video game or taking a nap.

It’s been a long while since I bought the course, but I didn’t manage to find enough time for it due to being occupied with both university and game modding.
Time to step up and make my own game instead of tinkering with what has been created already. There’s a long way down the road, but this as well as the rest of courses will make it a lot easier to pull through.

Hi! A few years ago, I took programming courses in high school. We started with HTML, then moved on to C++, and finally to Java. However, because it’s been so long since I was working in this language, and since we never were able to learn the fundamentals of creating a game specifically, I wanted to take this course to refresh me while also teaching me some great new information. I am in college now for Immersive Reality Gaming, and am hoping to gain a headstart in a few of my classes by taking this course.

I’m always eager to learn new things.

It’s been my dream to make games that me and other would enjoy since I was a child and this course gives me hope to achieve that goal. I want to become a very good and fluent developer in every language I can get my hands on, specially C++.

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