Hey everyone,
So since our beloved Ben asked for it. I really want to improve my programming skills. I’m busy with C# and Unity at the moment and it is going well. I can’t make amazing games but I can build small and entertaining games.
I’m following this course because I want to work with Unreal Engine and C++ So I can improve my current programming skills, open up some options with game design, expand my portfolio and also so I can just make games with more engines then just Unity.
I hope to create games of course. But more specified: I hope to create my own games. With my own stories, style, music and so on. It’s not an easy thing since games can take forever to develop. Especially alone. But for now I want to do that so I can release my creative thought somewhere. I always love to make my own stories, since short I also make my own music. Nothing big, just some repetitive jingles.
When things get though I always do 2 things. I look back and write down what I already achieved so I can remind myself that the goal I want to achieve is possible to get. Or I just look at other games, games that made me feel good playing and that gave me the ‘wow, this is amazing’ feeling. It reminds why I want to create games and why I’m doing this.
Sorry for the long text, I like to talk a lot. Anyway, I hope the community is having a great day. Good luck with whatever you are creating!