Where are you from? What's your experience?

Hello, I’m Phu from Thailand.
I’m a junior Front-end web developer
I was not paying attention much about Math in school
I had just finish 2D unity course, now I’m starting 3D unity course but I don’t understand about sinWave.
so here I am

Hi everyone, :wave:

i’m from Switzerland :switzerland:, and love Computer Games :upside_down_face:. I always felt like it would be awesome to make my own Game. I have built a few Games with the help of Tutorials. But never 100% on my own. Im sure this tutorial will help me deepen my understanding of core principles, so i can build my own game logic.

Much thanks to Ben for creating this course.
I learn way better throw watching then just reading a book. :ok_hand:

Have a nice day!:v:

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Hello Everyone from Mexico! I have some experience with math, but I want to learn how to apply them to Videogames

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Hi, i’ve been learning to program for some time now. I’m even in a bootcamp right now. I don’t know what i’ll use math for but I might apply it to programming eventually. I might become a college exam teacher, or I might just use math to make me a better thinker.

Okay, my question is that I really didn’t see the relevance of the math block for the relationship between negative and positives signs. In particular it didn’t give me any insight into how a negative times a negative yields a positive.

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Hello everyone! I am Valentina, although I go by Scripty here ^^

I am 17 y/o and in my last year of High School here in France. I am planning to study Computer Science and Game Development! I would say I am pretty good at Maths, but in this course I can actually see the applications of maths through something I love, which is game development.

I also am an artist and occasionally make music, and I love creating stories and worlds. I am a creative person so combining art and computers is something I love!

I hope to see you all soon, bye! ^^

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Kush From India This course is helping me in Data Science, not just gaming. Clearing my basics in a fun way. Love how you’ll are teaching it.

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Hello, I’m Sunny.

I’m from the USA currently in Texas. My experience with Math is up to Trig in high school. Took a few Math courses in college. Currently refreshing my skills to take a placement test for a Computer Science degree.

I’m also a freelancer. Working my way to being a better Technical Artist towards becoming a Graphics programmer.

Nice to meet y’all.

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Hi All,

Andrew here from Namibia.
I’ve spent the last decade-and-a-half in the film industry. I know absolutely nothing about Math, so this should be good!

refreshing math skill here. from new york

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Lifelong hobbyist. Just brushing up on a few things.

Hi everyone !

I’m Rayan from France
I’m a student and after 4 years i decided to switch from AI and robotics to video games ! I figured mastering the math is a good way to get ahead in the understanding of every tools and library i’ll use in the future !

Never thought math could be captivating :exploding_head:

Good evening,

I’m Bruno, from France. I started learning Rust a few months ago; goal is to develop replicas of video games I played when I was young on my Sinclair ZX81 (if you’re younger than 50, you probably don’t know what I’m talking about :-).
I thought that a class dedicated to math for video games would be a good starting point.


I am Alisa. My home country called Finland. It is in North Europe. I would like to make games in future. This course will help me with my dream. I am kinda basic with mathematics. Also I have dyslexia but it only slowing me down.

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Hello there from Alberta, Canada;

I’m a hobbyist writer who has dipped more heavily into game dev, art, and music at times. I enjoy coding and I like the enthusiasm the GameDev courses are presented with as well as the digs into the details.

Outside of this I work in the finance industry, so I am constantly exposed to numbers - though given the sheer amount of data you find that software and processes to do a lot of the more mundane calculations out of the way.

I grew up on games and stories so this is a natural part of my enjoyment as well as a lifelong goal.

Greetings from Sri Lanka!!
i had been searching resources to learn myself about the math behind games. i believe i found it. BTW, i am not a person from math background but had been always wanted to learn what is under the hood.

thank you

I’m Synith and I’m from Canada.

I took a semester of math classes in college over a decade ago, there was a bit of calculus and stats. Looking forward to reviewing and building upon the many things I’ve forgotten.

Back in April I started working on Unity tutorials and creating mini games, I’d like to use what I learn in this course to make better games and write better code. I am also hoping to better understand the linear algebra and stats used in machine learning as a result of this course.

Hi I’m Kartheek Raj from India,
Currently into a career transition.
I would like to transmission from an Operations analyst to a physics programmer.
My experience with Maths has been very wide, as I’m a Mechanical Engineering graduate.


Greeting Everyone,
My name is Alex and I’m from Britain.

I always was enjoying while I’m playing games and know I want to do my own game.

Hi everyone,

My name is Alisa, I’m from Russia. Always loved maths so I’m eager to refresh my knowledge with a new point of view on this. Thanks to GameDev teacher for making this course possible!

Hi everyone!

I’m Beltran and I’m from Spain, three years ago I finished my studies in programming with a focus on video games and I’m currently studying a master in Unreal Engine and Game Desing. I have done some game projects but I notice that my games lack a mathematical base, so here I am, I hope to learn a lot.

Thanks for doing this course and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it

By the way, I’ve created a twitter account focused on sharing my work and I’d like to meet people who are interested in videogame development, if anyone has a twitter accound send me a message and whe can share our twitter accounts

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