Where are you from? What's your experience?

Hi there! I’m Nicholas in Texas. I am an artist, a novice streamer, and a hobbyist as far as game dev goes, and I am terrible at math. So, I’m taking this course to get out of my math-phobia bubble, so i can start better understanding the mechanics behind game creation.

:wave: hello,

My name is Patrick. I got into game dev around 3 years ago (we’ll round to the ceiling on that one). I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed so that’s why I wanted to take this course. Frankly mathematics scares me, and even after this multiplication video it has me thinking that I’m going to have a tough journey with learning in this course. But I’m here! And I’m going to make the best of it. I’ve already completed the 2d course and had a load of fun with that, so it’s only up from here.

Hi. I’m Aleksey from Russia.
I am a technical university student, but we have very weak probability theory, so I want to reinforce it with this course.

Hey all, I’m David from the northwest USA. My math experience is K-12 in government schools, but more than a little fuzzy on a lot since I haven’t used more than basic math since I graduated nearly a decade ago. Need to fix that if I want to get into gamedev, so here I am!

Hi there everyone, I’m Ivan, I’m from Belarus, kinda famous plays nowadays. I’m a unity mobile developer and I would like to get into math a little bit further. The last time I touched math was when I studied at university that was more then 15 years ago and now I feel like I need to recover my old knowledge.

Hey, i’m Tim from Germany and i am an IT student at university. Currently i am working on my bachelor thesis, which is about game development. Basically i love to learn new things and i hope that this course can help me also want to learn more about mathematics.

Hi there:) I’m Alex from Ukraine, now working in automated software testing. This is my first experience in IT, and now I’ve decided to change a little my occupation to game dev on unreal engine. I’ve started corresponding course and bumped into lots of vectors, rotators and realized, that it would be much better to start this journey with course like this.
After couple of lectures I can officially declare, that it is the best explanation in the world)) I would like to have such when I was at school))

Well hi my name is Miguel Angel and I’m somewhat new to all this mathematical concepts applied to coding. I’ve been doing videogame sound design but i want to get more into programming and all of that stuff. So glad to be in here. Btw idk if this forum it’s outdated hehehe.

Hey there, pomato here!
I don’t have much math experience to be honest and I ran my recent hard challenge when I was doing the Unreal Multiplayer C++ course.
At that point, I realize I need to really start to improve my math skills.

Hi everyone,

I’m Jaire George and I am based in California. I studied Economics in undergrad so I have a decent understanding of Calculus, proofs, etc., though I am very much so out of practice. I look forward to this course and engaging with you all going forward.

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Hello! My name is Drew and I am from Canada.

I recently started my journey towards learning video game development. I have worked a little on c++, unreal and blender but with this course will strengthen the necessary math skills I will need when working in all three of those situations. Looking forward to this journey!

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Hey, I’m Ayaan from northern Virginia in united states, close to Washington DC. I am going to 6th grade, so have very little experience in math, so I’m pretty sure I am going to learn something here. I have a bit of python knowledge, and I know scratch quite well but am not a pro at it.

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Hello everyone! I’m Logan, and I’m a hobbyist game developer from the United States. When I tried programming, I realized that most of what I learned about math during school was lost to me. I’ve been wanting to re-learn math so I can improve my coding skills.

I struggled with college math, since my foundations were weak. But the biggest issue was figuring out how to use what I was learning. I’ve been looking for math resources relevant to game developer for a while ever since. So far, being able to use these concepts for game development makes math a lot more enjoyable.

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I’m Bob from Vegas.

Did a lot of programming back in the 80’s then kids and work pushed that out of my life. Now that the kids are grown I’m getting back into the fun of coding. Found this course in a Humble Bundle and it seems like a good place to relearn the basics, and learn new techniques.

Loving the Math for programming, it’s a great refresher for my rusty skills.

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Hello there!

I’m Marco from Australia.

I do some programming on the side, mainly in VB & VBA through Office products, but want to grow my skills and learn some C# & C++, and see if I can make a game, so picked up the Humblebundle package that was on sale. :smiley:

I’m really good at maths but already enjoying the additional commentary regarding game programming. I look forward to the rest of the courses I’ve bought. :smiley:


Hi, I’m Jereme from the Philippines.

I worked as a software engineer for 10 years. I just got into game development as a hobby when trying out Godot. I realized that I need to relearn some of the math concepts for this. Also I find game development as a good motivation to reconnect with mathematics which can be very useful as well.

I discovered this course from Humblebundle and was interested in the idea of learning math again. Hopefully I would be able to apply what I learn here on the next games I would be making.

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Hello all,

This is Daniel from Austin, TX. I was taught the regular math curriculum in high school, Algebra and Geometry. Then got some experience with Trigonometry in tech school after. Though it was a long time ago so I’ll have to do a lot of re-learning.



Hi all, my name is Dan, and I am taking this class second time. I did not finish the first time and decided to start fresh. I am 33 years, from the USA, Florida.
I have a degree in computer science, but still, need refresh or fill some gaps in MATH.
Very excited.



I’m Brandon from Baltimore, Maryland.
I use to work in the IT fields as a consultant
but then worked as a Web Developer for a while
before I had some things happen in my life and
have been out of the field for a while now.
I’m trying to learn game development because I
love games and would love to make some!

I have some experience with math, up till
Precalc but has been many years since school
and forgotten a lot. Seems like this course will
be a good refresher.


Hello from Canada,

I am a mature student attempting to steer a course to a career in Game Development.

I always had trouble with math/numbers. Got a zero on a Grade 13 Calculus exam :roll_eyes:. I have never had trouble with things in the real world though, physical principles and concepts almost seemed self evident to me. I could undo child proof safety pins :safety_pin: when I was 2 years old. I can visualize physical contraptions in my head and make them real without hardly even a single jot on a piece of paper.

So here I am trying to put the theoretical stuff into my head and have it come as easily as the practical. If I can do this, making games (and any other cool, useful software I can dream up) will come as easily as the time I made a squirrel :chipmunk: live trap from scratch when I was 12. :nerd_face: (caught a squirrel with it too)

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