Where are you from? What's your experience?

I never really made any game or anything. I just like math explained in practical ways and the course was on humble bundle. So far enjoying it a lot :slight_smile:

Hello Ben,

I am also a Ben, lol.

I’m from MA in the USA.

As for my experience, I never really liked "school’ However, I have always liked maths because I consider myself a vary logical thinker. in terms of traditional learning (school) unfortunately I only ever made it to algebra 1, but i never let that stop my pursuits of math. I may not understand CALC or Trig very well, but math in general comes easy to me for the most part! :slight_smile:

Im from spain, I already know some concepts on math but its still pretty basic, I’ve never really liked math all that much, but it was related to how they taught me. Looking forward to learn in a new way!

Hey there everybody,

Tommy here from Spain. I studied civil engineering and have been working several years as structural engineer, so my math background, specially regarding classical mechanics and algebra, is pretty strong. However I don’t do any calculus and vector math since college and I hope this course acts as a good refresher.


Hello I am from Norway. I am currently on the Unity 3D course as well, and finding it very interesting and fun. Decided to come into this course since maths has never been my strongest side. Looking forward to develop games independently :grinning:

Brooke from Italy. Want to refresh math after years of not using.

Greetings and Salutations fellow learners and tutor’s. I am Daniel, Better known in my streaming days as FleshRenderStudios or FleshRenderPrime where I used to do hobbyist game development on stream or play various games for the entertainment of people who wanted to watch me from various games like Factorio (an amazing logic based strategy/simulation game) to RPG Maker XP / VX / VX Ace / MV.

Tried dabbling in Unity, YoYo Game Engine (I was doing a course related to this but turn’s out the qualification wasn’t nationally recognised, only recognised by the company providing the qualification so it had 0 value), Cry Engine and Unreal Engine 4 however they all seemed very complicated to me from the outside looking in which is why I always gravitated back to the likes of RPG Maker and Indie Game Development.

Also tried my hand at various Coding courses but always seem to get lost in the language after about 4 or 5 weeks so I know some of the basics but progressing beyond that always seems to baffle me. Hopefully with a more structured series of courses (I have something like 20 courses to go through :smiley:) I’ll be able to get a better grasp on the whole process.

Kind Regards
Daniel (aka UltraFRS, FleshRenderStudios, FleshRenderPrime)

Greetings and salutations

Sean from Portland OR here. I don’t have much experience on the digital side of things or in coding but I do have some experience on working on tabletop games and would like to learn to translate some of those tabletop ideas into a digital experience.

Hi guys,

I’m Adam from London, UK. I have a background in Music but started learning to develop games in Unity during my spare time nearly a year ago. I’ve yet to develop anything outside of game jams but am excited to keep learning as much as I can and start working on some longer term projects.

Hello. i have basic experience in maths. looking forward to expanding on that.

Hi, I’m Alessio and I’m from Italy.
First of all i’m sorry for my english, i know it’s very awful.

I studied I.T. at Highschool and now i’m studying game programming in an Academy in Florence.

I hope that these videos will help me to improve my game developer skills (and maybe my english :sweat_smile: )

Hi, Im Aaron and im from Cyprus.
I am a developer of RPAs and also trying to develop a game with a few friends in my free time.
I hope that through this and similar courses I can improve and optimise my code as well as learn some neat tricks!

Hi, im Simon a web-developer from Germany.
Currently doing, .NET (Sitecore), Laravel and Angular.
Hopyfully, in the next couple of weeks, i can start a new .net core web-api project.

I have absolutely no idea, about game developing. (If we disregard, watching videos from Sebastian Lague). Left university, because math and studying is not my thing. But currently in lockdown, im bored out of my mind, and the course seems to be quite interesting. Im really looking forward, for the lessons.

my name is Martijn, I’m a videoartist from the Netherlands,
interested in working with math more to create interactive art :slight_smile:
played around in Unity a little before…



I’m Mike and I’m from Scappoose Oregon, US. I have been programming as a hobby for many years and now I’m working on taking it to the next step. Math has always been a little easy for me because it makes since and it’s like a puzzle to solve.


My name is James. I finished a two year degree in programming a number of years back but also took up a job doing desktop support. Life and the job took me away from programming and now I am working to get back into it.

I am hoping to get a better idea of how math moves games so I can feel more confident while relearning and surpassing my previous benchmarks.

Hi everyone! My Name is Luigi and I’m 29 yrs old

I’m graduated from Computer Science in Venezuela but wasn’t actually good enough, Now I feel a bit old but really want to try do my best to learn how to make a Videogame even if it means starting from 0 and learning everything I do and don’t know

Hi! My name is Lautaro and I’m from Argentina. I’m studying information systems engineering and I’m here to learn about VideoGames development! Recently I took the exam of Unity Certified User: Programmer.
I’m really looking forward to learn some new things!

Hi everyone, my name is kaylee, im from california but now live in ohio. Ive always wanted to make turn based rpgs like the final fantasy series which is my inspiration, so im taking this course in hopes of getting one step closer to that goal. Im pretty terrible at math so i hope this will help me get better at it as well.

Hello! I’m Mia from Austria. I’ve always struggled with maths, but this is going well so far!

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