Hello! My name’s Daniel, and I’m from Sweden.
I’m 36, and I’ve been interested in games & game development for most of my life, but I’ve never really dived into the latter. A major reason for that is because I’ve never been good at math, and the anxiety I’ve always had surrounding the subject made me put off game development during my younger years.
I’m a web developer now, and one important thing that I’ve learnt through my job is that you don’t always have to know the exact solution to every problem that you are facing; sometimes the more important thing is to know how to define your problems. This makes it easier to look for—and understand—other people’s solutions, and adapt them (not just copy & paste) so that they work for you.
I’ve really been enjoying Rick’s Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D Online Course recently, and I want to continue this new path in my life. Therefore, I’ve decided that brushing up and expanding my mathematical knowledge (anxiety be damned!) will really help me define future problems and how to approach them, which should make this hobby a lot more fun, and produce better results!
Thank you for this opportunity, GameDev Team!