What is main different between add a Button Componet to a text and add button directly from UI?

In lecture 46, the buttom is add by adding a Button Component to the text, looks it is preety much same if just add Button by going to UI and chose Button, the only differece is it create a parent object for button and a child object just for text, it has a Image Component in the parent object to manage the Image and texture used in the Button,. Is there any big difference between those two way to add button?

I really didn’t find there to be much of a problem between the two and used both in my finished NumberWizard game, plus also using different button images for the different mouse states just for something a little bit fancy :slight_smile:.

One guy wrote in saying that he used a sound to reproduce mouse Clicks when a button was pushed and when i read that had to try that as well - some of the guys here sort of push you to do things you wouldn’tve done otherwise, which is great!

I think the only real difference is the Button in the UI menu has a graphical “button” as well as the text (that can be swapped out for a different sprite if you want).

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