What are you delivering in your game?

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We all like electronics, great idea for a game!

In my game you are the only delivery driver available, and you will be delivering cup noodles to all the unhealthy gamers / game developers to their homes when instead these gamers should be either getting a life or at least be eating something much more healthy, You are to avoid their “healthy” girlfriends / wives in the process of the delivery.

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You’re delivering space gear to graduates preparing to leave on there first mission to live in the Asteroid of the Maiden, which has been newly terraformed. Theoretically it’s livable and they’ll be the first to test this theory.

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Welcome to the community!

I love all of the thought with this, you even thought of an obstacle for the game, nice thinking!

Very thought out idea, something I haven’t before, sounds like it would make for a pretty exciting game!

What will my driver be delivering? I think it would be cool to have the driver deliver some kind of cold treat such as a Milkshake or a Snowball.

You’re a freelance delivery driver who only delivers frozen treats. You take on this role after a fateful event that would change your life forever. It was the middle of the summer, and all you wanted was your favorite frozen treat to cool off. You placed an order through the app on your phone like you always do, except this time the wait was excruciatingly too long even for a normal day. On the brink of dehydration, you receive a text from the driver with a picture your frozen treat. Except the driver drank it and quit his job.

Ever since that day you vowed to deliver only Frozen drinks of the highest quality, so that no one else would face the terror as you on the hot, hot summer day.

Mechanic Ideas -

Delivery Timer - A clock that has a random amount of time to deliver once the driver receives an order for pickup.

Tips/Customer Satisfaction - No Tip, Ok Tip, Best Tip. This mechanic revolves around how fast the driver was able to deliver the package. Missed the time == no tip Package Delivered 1/4 Time left == Ok Tip Package Delivered with 1/2 time left == Best Tip. (Indicated on the HUD by some text with corresponding colors: Red, Yellow, Green)

Drink HP - The duration in which the package stays frozen. Tie it in with tips somehow to make tips based on Drink Hp && delivery time.

Weather - Mechanic that introduces different types of weather patterns that can affect not only your vehicle. Example: Rain will have a random chance the make the vehicle skid or spin out

Vehicle Upgrades - A menu that will allow the user to spend their tip money on various upgrades for their vehicle. Example: Rocket Boosters for more speed. Cold storage to keep the Frozen Treats from melting.

That’s just a start but for other ideas you could set up traffic jams/construction, random obstacles to hinder the driver, animals on the street, people crossing the street, damage to car, car repair shop etc etc.

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Wow, you really thought this one through, I’ve looked through every comment in this thread and this easily has to be one of, if not the, most detailed response, wonderful job coming up with this, and I can’t wait to see if you turn this into a game!

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I’m not too sure how much detail to go into here, but since we’re essentially driving from spot to spot to pick up and deliver but we don’t get out of the car, we might be creating a little taxi. I’ll be delivering people to their destinations. In that case I’ll have to make the destination further away, but we’ll see how this course segment goes.

Otherwise, if we end up delivering food I might need to try and make it so that I’m picking up donuts or Pizza or something like that but we need to pickup from one spot and deliver to various locations.

So food or people.

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Well, with the constraints that Rick has set, it’s a bit tricky to think of something that can be run over to pick-up / deliver.
Maybe a system like the US has for mailboxes at the end of your drive - then you can imagine driving your mail truck whilst your co-worker in the passenger seat has to hang out the window to grab / throw the mail as you go past.
Actually - This would add another constraint - you have to pass the mailbox (which will be the coloured element) on the Left Hand side of the truck, which might give a little bit of a puzzley feel.

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Looks like a lot of thought went into this, I love the idea, and I can’t wait to see this as a game!

Interesting thought process, I think the idea you’re coming up with is great, I’m intrigued to see how you implement this in a game!

My player will be delivering baby formula to new mothers in need!

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Great cause involved In your game, can’t wait to see it!

My driver is about to deliver some great bbqs made by the town’s greatest steakhouses. The bbqs have one catch: they go stale quickly and must be delivered at full speed.

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I love the idea, BBQ is so good, can’t wait to maybe see this in a game!

In my game the player is going to pick up homeless kittens and delivered them into a shelter.


Welcome to the community!

I like your idea of helping the kittens, would make for an interesting game!

My delivery driver will be transporting individual leggo pieces that eventually allow the customer to build their own operable delivery car. Thus, turning that individual into another individual leggo piece delivery driver. :sunglasses:


You’re delivering trash from the neighbourhood to be upcycled by mad scientist/inventor types who are building various contraptions. Perhaps each stage would dynamically evolve depending on which inventions get prioritized by your deliveries, or become increasingly unstable if you mis-deliver the parts, etc.


In my game, the player will be delivering tidy packages of animation textbooks that are in a foreign language the recipient cannot read, but they purchased for a couple hundred dollars anyway.

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