What are you delivering in your game?

Lol, your gonna be scaring a lot of people with that, great idea!:spider:

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The best combination known to man Cookie Pizzas

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Lol, I have never heard of that but I bet it tastes good, nice idea!

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My driver is delivering empathy in a box!

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We all need some empathy sometimes, I love the idea!

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You’re delivering emergency pepperoni for people that forgot to buy it to put it on their pizzas.

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I hate when I forget a topping on my pizza, awesome game idea!

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Delivering Pizza to all the people that work from home

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I love pizza, great idea, I would love to see that in a game!

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I am delivering tea for the English people living in the middle of the Austrian countryside not finding joy because of their lack of tea choices at the supermarket.

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Welcome to the community!

I love your idea of delivering tea🍵 this would make an awesome game!

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I think he’ll be delivering new consoles to people so they cna play video games =]

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My player is delivering dildos

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Sounds like a great idea!

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow:it’ll be interesting to see that in a game lol.

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I’ll be delivering babies, because everyone knows babies comes from delivery drivers!

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I always thought babies came from the stork🤣, cant wait to see this in a game!

My game is delivering medicines.

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I’ll be delivering electronics items .

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Sounds great, I’m intrigued to see this in a game!

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