Welcome to the Unreal Engine Developer

My name is Cassidy from Winnipeg Canada. I’m an Educational Technologist working for 1 of the larger colleges in our province. I have a Computer Programming background and have done some work in CryEngine many years back.

I’m hoping to learn enough about C++ and Unreal Engine to start a few VR projects our college is interested in.

Hi everyone!
My name is Brigitte and I’m from Canada. I’m an aerospace engineer who discovered my interest in programming at University. It’s mostly a hobby for the moment, but my goal is to improve enough to be able to make it part of my career. My current knowledge in programming is limited to VBA, Matlab and some basics in VB. NET, SQL, CSS, HTML and PHP. I have a long list of things I want to learn, and I wasn’t sure where to start, but since I love gaming and it has always been part of my life, this course seems like the perfect way for me to start learning a new language.


I am now a stay at home mom who loves to craft and play games. I decided to take this course because I have an interest in VR. I have 0 experience with any programming language or game development program, but I did work in tech support for 8 years.

After watching the preview video, I felt like I may be way in over my head, but I am definitely willing to give this a try. Since I have a toddler, most of my learning time will be late at night for maybe an hour, if she gives me that much time.

I am currently in the high desert of southern California.

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I am an Java/Android Developer and I recently moved to the UK. I always wanted to get into game development and I was really excited when I found this course =D
Hopefully, I can get a job in game development after I finish this course and a few others I found that interest me =)

Hello everyone!

My name is Christopher and I’m from Poland. I have 8 year exeperience in application development, mostly in Android. I allways want to learn how to create game but I never had time for this. I’m hopping that this course help me to be a game developer :smile:

Servus everyone :smiley:
I’m Batuhan, second Semester Mechatronics student in Germany. I have been always a huge fan of games and technology and coding or what i called as " Art of Bits " is so fascinating that is why im here.
And really huge thanks to makers of this course, you da real MVPs.

Hello, Ali here from the UK. Complete beginner to coding but I am a long-time, avid gamer!

I guess this is a good place in introduce myself and my goals. I have always been interested in computer games, but never put the mega-hours in that it seems many ‘hard-core’ games do. However, that being said, I am a writer and film maker blended with a programmer / engineer.

I would like to create a game(s) based on some of my fiction. I took a game dev course while studying for my Master’s at UC-Denver. That really sparked my interests and this course will take me to the next level of beginning to realize my very long (old) dream mentioned above.

I am NOT an artist (can’t sing either). I’m hoping this community / courses will help me find people to join together to create our dreams…


I wanted to add that I have a ‘small’ media company with a life-time friend (extremely creative marketing guru and fellow writer) and we are looking for others to help build our dreams, weather computer games, text-based fiction, or web-series…

Thanks, Looking forward to getting into the meat of this course and also making new friends.

Steve Clark, Australia.

Machine learnign and big data developer but never learnt c++. Doing a few courses simultaneously, took this one bc it looks fun wrt to some of the more formal courses out there.

Good luck Brigitte from Canada.
Dont forget to add DevOps and AWS skills to your long list of skills you want to develop, and ‘good luck’. Or ‘good lunch’ if thats what time of day it is for you.

Hi, I am ApeXCity
I am from India And always love playing games and just wanted to learn how to make games. so here i am practicing this awesome course!


My name is Aldo from Peru. I’m a software developer, always worked with business applications, but I want to work in the game industry someday. I already finished the GameDev.tv Unity courses, and I want to learn Unreal Engine too.

My name is Seb, I’m an italian computer scientist but I just moved to London to try and get a job in game development. Hope this course will help me get mad skills to break into the industry and make some good game-dev friends :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply Stephen, I’ll look into that! Good luck to you too!

Hello! I’m Ashton. I’m learning to use UE4, my goal is to create a game that my wife and I wanted to play, but doesn’t exist, yet. Hopefully I’ll leave the two UE4 courses with the ability to do that (and then some)

Hello everyone, I’m Onkar and I’m from India (my username is nAruT0)

I did my Bachelors in Computer Science almost 10 years back. I have been an avid gamer since college days and have spent countless hours playing them and marveling at the story, level design and graphics that some of the latest games offer.

Since we are taught (almost all) non-visual output programming, I always used to wonder - how the heck does stuff work when I do ‘x’ in a game. Obviously in theory, I understood that there are models which interact, there is a physics and a lighting engine etc. but never really got around to actually getting my hands dirty with it. I feel this course is going to teach me that, so I am super excited!!

FWIW, One of the very first multiplayer games that I had played was UT and we were hooked to it. The unreal engine has evolved a lot over the years so it is only apt that I am learning game design on unreal engine 4!!

Hi all !
I present myself here!
Some call me Cyrille, others just don’t call me but whatever xD
I’m from France and I just started this course that seems to exist for 2 years now. I finished my studies last year in computer science in which my main language was Java, and I also worked a bit in Multiplatform mobile development.

As many here, I always had a passion for video games, they are just a part of every steps of my life, and after so many years gaming, I want to take the step and start to create video games!
As my gaming background, I’d say that I’m a fan of Final Fantasy that clearly gave me that thing to create stories full of emotions that can be shared through a video game. :heartbeat:

So I’m really glad to join this course and to take this journey with whoever gets into the train! :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Doing what I am told… and saying HELLO!! :slight_smile:

Hi everyone, im Juan from Argentina.

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