Welcome Everyone!

Hi my name is Sylvana. I am from Perth and I am a long time gamer. Very interested in 3D modelling and the artistic applications of this skill.

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Hi, Iā€™m Eru. from Istanbul. I want to make games, and to do that I need 3D modeling skills. I am here to acquire these skills, and at the end I hope to be able to create the games I have been designing on paper since years. It feels like these games are crying inside my head to release them by actually making them. Iā€™m very motivated, and here I begin! ^^

Hello all!

My name is Allison and my education is in chemistry, however, I switched gears after having twins and am now an artist. My handle for most of my artwork is chuckandstan. I practice in sculpting, painting, drawing, etc. and am always excited about trying out new things. I do some gaming and have horses. Iā€™ve always found animation to be really fascinating, and have been interested in the potential to create 3D environments and eventually a game, but never knew where to start. Iā€™m excited to find some free time to learn about Blender (and Unity!)

Looking forward to getting to know the community better and checking out what other wonderful things people create!


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My name is Nik. I am a software developer in Nuremberg, Germany. I always liked 3D modeling and I already have a (tini tiny) little experience but never got to sit down and really learn it. My middle-term goal is to model my dream house for VR.
In the long runā€¦ well maybe I can even switch my Job and live of doing thisā€¦ but until then, I just do it for fun to let some creativity out :slight_smile:


Hello my name is Andrew Iā€™m a college student, and I want to become a game programmer I thought the ability to 3D model would be a useful one.

Hi everyone!
Iā€™ve been trying to learn 3d modeling since ohā€¦ 1998, with no real luck. I tried TrueSpace3D and Maya, and really failed pretty miserably. I had some limited success with SketchUp way back when, but I donā€™t think that counts. I tried Blender several years ago, with no luck.
Anyway, I recently grabbed Blender one last time, and did Andrew Priceā€™s Blender Guru basics, and FINALLY I got it.
Now I am trying to go beyond what I can learn from YouTube Videos.
Here is as far I as can go on my own. Now I am taking this course to get past this plateau in my learning. It looks cool, until you realize it is all made from extruded circles!


My Name is Mavis, i am a senior art director and would like to learn blender for skill improvement.
thanks and good to meet you all.

Hi all,

My name is Lisa, I am a graduate in 3D and animation with a tiny bit of industry experience in film.

During my course I learnt Maya, however after being in a studio I found out that sometimes you can be thrown into blender due to it being freeware, making it more desirable.

So I am here to up skill and give myself some more confidence when it comes to modeling for both film and games.



My name is Joel i,m a complete novice with an itch that may be a passion. i am taking this and the unity course and will attempt a (hopefully) long and fruitfull career in video games!!


RMy name is Jessica and Iā€™m an artist who has done some 3D work in Rhino for 3D printing. My husband is currently working on developing the story for a set of novels and video games and Iā€™d like to join in the fun and help with the game development, as well as learning a new program to aid my own artistic endevors.

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Hi everyone. My name is Retief.
Iā€™m a professional software developer from South Africa.

Not much Blender experience apart from some tinkering on my own. Recently started working in Unreal Engine 4 to build an as yet unthemed spectacle fighter (in the vein of Devil May Cry), so Iā€™m really excited to learn some more about Blender.

I wouldnā€™t mind getting into some VFX either.

Hello all. Folks call me Miss B (or just B for short), and I have been using Blender off and on for years, but have no ā€œformalā€ training in it. Most of what Iā€™ve learned over the years have been through tutorials Iā€™ve found on the 'Net.

This class was recommended to me by an online friend from a Blender forum at a popular 3D graphics community. Iā€™m not so much interested in creating games, but if I learn even just one ā€œnewā€ thing during this course, Iā€™ll be a very happer camper. Iā€™m especially looking forward to the lecture on Spin modelling. My first try at modelling was years ago with Rhino 3, and it used Spin modelling, and I was able to create some nice wine goblets, plates, flower pots, etc., but Iā€™ve not gotten into the method with Blender, so Iā€™m looking forward to learning how.

Hello I am looking to make my own game assets

Hey everyone!

My name is Ben Stovell and Iā€™m learning 3D modelling from the very basics!
Iā€™ve been in game mod (ArmA 3) work for a while,
mainly programming and the year before last Iā€™ve needed 3D models quite frequently so this is why I have decided to learn how to make them myself!
Its a big pain needing 3D assets in-game to work with and not being able to get them till a weeks time when your modeller is available,
I hope that this course will get me where I want and need to be!

Hey guys!

Iā€™m a teen who has recently started learning programming. I have always been fascinated and awed by three-dimensional objects in video games, and, for a while, Iā€™ve wanted to learn how to make them myself. Iā€™ve known about Blender for as long as I can remember, but never committed myself to learning modeling and Blenderā€™s interface. This seems like a great opportunity to change that!

My goal is to learn how to make realistic-looking objects and objects that are intentionally unreal. I am especially interested in 3D models of vehicles, animals, and just about everything I could make and using said models in game design or 3D art. So looking forward to this course!

Hey guys,

My names Richard, and Iā€™m currently studying game design at college. I am already part of a small dev team creating games, learning as we do. My long term goal is to be competent enough to create the games that I want to make, with the style that I want to make them.

i have , at this point, watched a fair few tutorials from other sources, youtube, lynda.com etc etc. I am looking to get a more comprehensive look at blender through this course.

If in the future, anyone would like to colaborate on something i would be more than up for it.


Hey all,

Iā€™m Oli and Iā€™ve been around computer games for most of my life and Iā€™ve only just started to appreciate the intricacies of how 3D Modelling works. I started this course as a passion/hobby to try and realize my dream of making a interactive VR Environment of the quality that I expect from top creators. I am primarily interested in learning all aspects of creating my own VR environment and all the skills one would need to do so. Just the basics to start off with then eventually branching into many.

At this point in time, Iā€™m trying to stay focused on Blender and creating my own content to share with others through High Fidelity. HF is being touted as the new second life and with a huge amount of user created content that runs on C++, JS and user imported models, I can see it being quite the VR experience and a good stepping stone for people wanting to really immerse themselves in content creation, be is code or models.

Please reply if you have any similar interests and feel like collaborating or sharing information (webpages and bookmarks help or even feedback and criticism!). Hope to see more of you around.


I want to make a virtual music box for myself in the style of ā€˜The Roomā€™ video game. I have a degree in Physics, which isnā€™t directly useful in implementing anything, but means I have a good understanding of some of the techniques involved in physical modeling, so I might be a good source if anyone gets very curious about physical theory. I will reply and post the music box when Iā€™m done.
-Brian Hildebrandt

Hello my name is Jason and Iā€™m new to the course. Very little knowledge regarding Blender so looking forward to getting stuck in :slight_smile:
Looking forward to working with and getting to know other students on this course :slight_smile:

My name is JoaquĆ­n and my goal is specialize in video games area and hopefully have my own company.

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