Welcome Everyone!

Hi! My name is Alexander, and I am taking this tutorial to get a good understanding of how to make 3d models and animation for use in a simple videogame made in Unity.

Hi! Iā€™m Ben, Iā€™m a game developer in NYC. Iā€™m here to learn modeling and animation so I can be a little more self-sufficient in the prototyping phase. Unity asset store freebies arenā€™t cutting it anymore. :smile:

Hi everyone!
My name is Emil. Iā€™m from Poland. I love games and I want to learn how to make games, concept-arts and many other things. It includes how to make 3D models. I have tried to learn Blender for couple of times but every time interface turned out to be to difficult. The Complete Blender course is for me like ā€œgift from heavenā€ and I am very grateful, although Itā€™s begining of my adventure.

Hey, hey! Iā€™m really excited to be taking this course. Iā€™m wanting to learn to make a lot of physical items and render them out in a scene in the way Ikea does catalogs.

I work for a outdoor furnishing company as a graphic designer and I thought it would be great if I could learn to make models of our products and create compelling photo-realistic images from them in lieu of spending time and money on photography, which we donā€™t do much of anyway.

I hope that learning this will enable me to grow further as a designer and have more opportunities open up.

Hello all, my name is Keith. Ive been using Blender (sort of) since version 1.5. Blender sure has come a long way, but along the way my path got cluttered with life. Although I feel like i already know all of the basics, I am going to push through every minuet of this course. It is always the small things that you fail to learn that trip you up later!! My goal is to become a compositor and to get as close to photorealism as possible.

Gā€™day! Iā€™m Raven from Australia and I want to know how to produce meshes for Second Life. I know a little but nowhere near enough to do what I want, so here I am!

hello Iā€™m from Mexico City, Im a Control PHD Student and i am very interested in 3D printing, so i hope learn everything i can in order to apply this to 3d printing models, prototypes, art and so on. I am also interested of course about make a lot of friends and have a lot of fun. Nice to meet you.

Hi all,

Iā€™m Damian, a second year BSc Computer Science student from the UK. I am working towards doing an MSc in High Performance Graphics and Games Engineering, and want to be able to produce my own detailed assets/environments for use in university and personal projects.

I look forward to learning Blender alongside you all :slight_smile:

Hello, Iā€™m Brad. Iā€™m a software engineer in New York City. Iā€™m interested in learning to do more modeling in Blender to support my interest in 3D printing.

Hi, Iā€™m Joe. Iā€™m from the UK and Iā€™m new to game development and 3D , but I look forward to learning these new skills.

I have a background in amateur music composition and sound engineering and will be including my own scores in my creations

My aim is to learn 3D modelling and coding and then see where I want to take my skills. Iā€™m looking to explore 3D creation, as well as 2D and 2.5D; VR; AR; 2&3D artwork.

I play a range of game genres and the genres I want to explore included atmospheric, horror, casual, open-world, educational and others.

Also, I am looking to develop my games and apps for PC, console and mobile.

Some of my biggest game inspirations include Skyrim, Shadow of the Colossus, FEZ, Firewatch, Ori and the Blind Forest, Treyarchā€™s ā€˜Call of Duty: Zombiesā€™, The Last of Us, No Manā€™s Sky (yes, really), Alien: Isolation.

I will also look to literature/philosophy, film and art for inspiration. Literature/philosophy include the likes of Lovecraftā€™s ā€˜Cthulhu Mythosā€™, Orwellā€™s 1984, Danteā€™s Inferno, Platoā€™s Cave; film includes Prometheus, Alien, Marvellā€™s Dr Strange (psychedelic visuals), 2001: A Space Odyssey, Tomorrowland, The Matrix; art styles include that of Shepard Fairy, Salvador Dali, Jacque Fresco (Venus Project Architecture).


Hello to my fellow artists!

My name is Jennifer, Jenn for short, and I am and have been self employed making 3d animations since 2007. Most of my experience is dealing with human form using Maya and before that Poser. Affording the full professional licenced for commercial production version of Maya is another matter. Blender has been out there for a while now and is starting to gain popularity in the profession not to mention is mind blowingly available for free thanks to a huge community of dedicated programmers and artists that have worked for years to bring this software to the community. Iā€™m hoping that what Iā€™ve learned in other applications will translate here in Blender. Iā€™m looking forward to gaining some experience with Blender and learning just how far I can take a project using this system. I equally look forward to meeting my fellow artists and animation enthusiasts. Please donā€™t hesitate to say hello if the mood strikes you. Community is a WONDERFUL thing. :slight_smile: To that end, letā€™s get rockā€™n! :smile_cat:


In case your interested:

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Hello everyone,

My name is Connor, and I am an aspiring game developer. My favorite part of making a game is the programming, because I am a nerd (sue me). I like all sorts of games, and I like talking to people about them, so if you want go ahead and send me a message, I wonā€™t bite! I look forward to meeting new people and improving skills throughout this course, but more importantly I want to have some fun!

Hi, my name is Stan. I enrolled in this course some time ago, took a few lessons and put it on the back burner. I see the course has changed some since my last visit, so Iā€™m starting all over.

Iā€™m a C# programmer, but being a solo indie dev have no choice but to learn how to model as well. So, Iā€™m putting everything on the back burner to dive into Blender and start to learn this aspect of the game production.

Hello, Iā€™m Naā€™imah. I will be graduating from undergrad this December with a BA in Media Arts & Game Development. I enrolled in this course today and Iā€™m excited to learn this software as everyone in my Capstone swears by it, and my student subscription with MAYA is ending soon. I would like to continue my education by getting my MA in 3D animation in the UK. So I would like to fill my portfolio with more personal 3D projects.

Hey everyone!

My name is Kas and I am excited to FINALLY take a disciplined and committed approach to mastering Blender and using it to make my own films, games, and other media. I am fortunate enough to be teaching technology to youth, so I look forward to passing along this valuable information to the next generation of creatives.

  • Kas

Hello all,

My name is Matt, I am a business software developer whoā€™s had a lifelong fascination with video games. I am currently going through Benā€™s excellent course on Unreal Engine, and when I saw this course on sale I had to snatch it up! Iā€™m excited to learn basic modelling for use in my Unreal projects.

Hello, I have no art background. Ive done 3d in CAD, Sketchup and solidworks though. Looking forward to this course. Namely Im looking to learn 3d modeling and animation for fun for now. Although I do have some aspersions if this goes well! Good luck all!

Hi! My name is Sarah, and today is my first day on this course! I donā€™t have any prior experience with this, but it seems really cool and Iā€™ve always wanted to learn how to make 3D shapes.

P.S. I love your accents!

Hello!! I am a beginner and my near future aspiration is obtain technique to turn my ideas om reality.

sorry about my English.

Howdy, folks!

Iā€™m Sean, and my goal is to use the information here and elsewhere to become proficient enough with Blender to be able to work freelance gigs as a side job.

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