Welcome Everyone!

Thanks Alexis! :slight_smile:

Hi, my name is Hunter, and I’ve downloaded this course in hopes of learning how to use blender for my education towards engineering. I am trying to make it into a profession and I feel as if this is my first big step towards that direction! I am so glad there is a community with the same feeling as me.

Hi. My name is Tristan Purrington. I live on the east side of Washington. I want to learn Blender as a hobby and maybe for gaming/animation. I have worked in blender some but have been discouraged due to the difficulties of learning Blender. I look forward to learning Blender with everyone.

My name is Tony, I have found 3d modeling fascinating for many years, but have never taken the time to learn. I am really excited about this course and look forward to finding fun ways to implement what I learn.

Hello, I’m Jay. I’m just taking advantage of the Udemy sale to get a few things I’m interested in. I’ve long been interested in 3d modelling and I used to do some back in my Amiga days so I’m looking to learn again with modern software. I don’t really have a goal in mind, I enjoy learning and creating things so I’ll just see where it takes me.

Hello there, my name’s Chris, I’ve been trying out Blender and Unity a little bit already but decided some structured learning was the best way forward. My goal is to be able to make some games and digital art in my spare time.

Hi, my name is Josh. I am a programmer and a gamer. I stumbled across Unity and found that i could code games with other peoples assets but have no skills to make my own so i picked up Blender, a few books, and found this course. I’d just like to be able to make some games in my spare time, enjoy the challenge, and see how far I can go.

Hi all,

I’m a programmer that graduated AIE in 2015 what to learn blender.

Hi Michael , Ben! and Hello Everyone!

I am Tejaswini and so excited to be in this forum. I am an amateur and aspiring artist and have lot of interest in artworks and fascinated by 3D models and animation. I’ve happened to know about blender and would like to learn, develop and explore in it. Since, I am into painting having knowledge in blender would help me out in creating virtuality of images, scenes and situations. I am also an Computer Science graduate which I hope would be an added advantage.

Looking forward for lot of valuable insights!!!

Thank you!

Hello, I’ve dabbled a bit with blender before but couldn’t understand it all that well. Hence I’ve joined this course. My goal is visual communication - I wish to use animation and games for educational purposes. I also have some fantasy dreams - entire worlds - to create about the human body as a living city. Hope that I get to learn way more and be able to fulfill my dreams :slight_smile: Thank you Ben and Michael!

Hi, i am Johannes, and i want to learn 3D modelling to be able to design parts that i can print on the 3d printer i am about to built.

Hello everyone. My name is Mark, but I go by Lark on most forums. I a gamer and programmer just learning 3D modeling for some custom assets, objects, environments, and maybe even monsters for Legend of Grimrock II mod development. I hope I landed at the right place! I’m having a blast so far!

Btw. Hey My name is Billy and im taking this course to learn more about modelling im also very happy that this course existed, And i hope in the future be able to develope Assets and stuff to mods and games :slight_smile:

Hi, my name is Yann and I am a complete beginner at everything regarding computers. I decided to learn to use blender because I am tired of not being able to do anything more than the basic internet scrolling. The thought of being able to create things and use my imagination in a new way is very exiting, but the complexity of it all is quite scary. I am going to do everything I can to not lose hope and see this to the end.

Hi everyone, I’m David from Dublin Ireland. I’ve tried to learn Blender for the last two years, only got so far due to it’s complexity, so I’m hoping that this course and help from other members will assist me in becoming a fully fledged 3D animator. Looking forward to doing the course.

Hey All! My name is Lee Green, I’m doing this to help my friend create a game, we are going into this together, she is learning all the Unity and Unreal side of things and all the scripting and she sent me a message asking if I wanted to learn the graphic design side of things. So I said yes! I’ve always been interested in CAD software and using it, but never had the chance to learn it like this.

If anyone wants to know more about me or feels like a chat, feel free to contact me!

You got this! Don’t lose hope! There is always help :slight_smile:

Hello all,

I am wanting to learn how to create real life movies with 3D animations integrated into them. Little blender experience

Hello My name is Ray and I’m a youtuber. I make education materials for English teachers and students. Here is a link https://www.youtube.com/user/tastyenglish/videos to some of my work. If you are learning English as a second language the channel will benefit you.

I’m pretty passionate about education and am working on a application using UNITY to teach absolute beginners the ENGLISH language. I’m taking this class to learn the nuts and bolts of 3d modeling to equip myself to better understand the process and dabble with designing characters.

I’m taking Ben’s class for coding and find him to be a funny and concise instructor and am looking forward to this class.


Hi, I’m Robin, and I’m an experienced programmer. Traditionally I work in the technology behind 2d graphics and video, and I’ve dabbled briefly in software 3d years ago. Learning Blender seems like a bit of fun for my non existent spare time.

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