Welcome Everyone!

Hello, My name is Gabe and I am taking this course because i am striving to create my own assets to create my very own game! Thank you and I look forward to take this course!

Hi. My name is jesper, and I am looking forward to this. I would like to get in contact with others from Denmark who are taking this course.


I’m James, I’ve been modelling stuff in blender for a while and 3D printing them. I’ve picked up how to use Blender from bits and pieces online but I thought it was time to polish up my skills with a proper course.

Hi, I am Pavel. I’m interested in 3D printing, I wrote my dissertation about 3D print as art, but until now I know only theory, so I’m here to change that.

Hello my name is Tun Tun Win
My goal is to become a character artist and action figure modeler.And I am also interested in 3D printing.It was pleasure to meet you all.

Hi all. I’m kcha. I want to be possible to make 3D characters that appear in cartoon. So I joined to this course.

Hello everyone,

I’m hoping to pick up some elementary 3D modelling skills to help me with prototyping games.
The eventual goal is to release a full fledged game but art assets are holding me back right now so I hope this course can help change that!

Hi Everyone,
My name is Victoria. I learned about blender earlier this year and have been avidly trying to learn more about it since then. I have followed tutorials online but wanted an actual course to make sure I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m interested in the general area of 3D modeling and animation. I hope to one day make my own animations and maybe even look into game design as well.


I’m Juan Carlos. I been planning to learn blender for quite a while but until recently i got the time to start. I am interested on 3D modeling targeted to video games in general. I also want to know more about modeling and animation in general in order to understand my student’s motivation better because I have an engineering background while some of my lectures are for Art students

Hi, just got the course, seems like it will be awesome. I mainly want to learn to make practical materials for game making in Unity but I also want to see how far I can go as a 3d artist even if it’s just for hobby :slight_smile:

Hello everyone!

My name is Huy. I am a computer teacher by day and a beginner indiedev by night. I am hopeful that this course will help me in both.

Hey everyone, I’m Chris. I’m a hobbyist digital artist from Canada. I’ve toyed with Blender in the past for some composite works using 3D scans. I’m also interested in Processing and creative coding. You can check out some of my previous works @ dejong.tumblr.com

Hy @Tahar
I am from Netherlands
My english is not so good
if I do not know the words or phrases
i use google translate
Does this help you

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Hi everyone,

My name is Adan. I’m a Mathematics and Engineering student at Queen’s University in Canada, and I’m looking to learn Blender to make games!

I look forward to seeing everyone’s art as we progress through this course :slight_smile:

Hello all! I am Will and I am here to get away from kludgy 3D tools like tinkercad or 123d and learn a little about how this should really be done. My goals are to be able to produce better models for 3D printing and explore the game/cinematic side of this world as well.

Good evening, My name is Alexis Rae Baker, although most people just call me Allie. I’m 22, a new college graduate, an author, and a semi truck driver. I’ve been somewhat of a student of 3D animation for a while (I’ve done some work with it sporadically over the years). I took a course on 3D modeling when I was in high school a school called the Newmarket Skills Center, I found that I really enjoyed the class but it was just a summer course and I didn’t get as much information as I would have liked. I’m especially excited about the project to create a human face as that’s something I’ve always wanted to accomplish but never knew how.

My goals for this course largely center around learning how better to 3D model, rig the characters, and animate scenes. I would also love to figure out how to make incredible background scenes and have bought and additional course which focuses mainly on that (even though I might not need it).

I’ve always been an entrepreneur at heart (as you can probably tell by the plethora of professional descriptions I’ve used above) and I hope to maybe figure out a way to use my love of 3D animation to potentially make a living and to help support my desire to create art and a life I’d be proud to live. Whether this is through designing short videos, creating models to sell, making still art, or moving art pieces, I don’t really care, but I believe that through follow this passion that I can figure out some way to share my love of 3D magic with the world.

One thing I always like to tell people is that the best way to make money is to create something worth $5 to 400 people every month. So, I recommend you keep that in mind if you share my desire to live a life of your own creation.

I’m done preaching for now, and I’m so excited to take this course.

Thanks for reading,

Alexis Rae

you have some really cool stuff

Hi there folks, my name is Sal and I am learning to be a character creator. Really excited to learn #Blender - Talk soon {PROBABLYwheniGETstuckLOL} - Sal x.

Hi all, I’m going to guess that I am way out of the demographics range in this group. I started my professional software career filipping switches on a PDP 8 in 1970. I’m now programming in c# and web technologies. I’m here because I recently ordered an X-Carve and looking for 3D (actually 2.5D) modeling software. I tried to learn Blender in the past, but found very little resources for learning it. Looking forward to the course.

Hi @AlexisRBaker and @SalTheStylist and @kcha and @Miss_Victoria, and a special greeting to everyone else who’s been joining us recently. This is to all you promising character creators out there!

We’re having a friendly challenge on the forums at the moment. The challenge is themed around designing a character (or making a fan character, or animating, or posing one for a scene; anything, really!), and it sounds like you may benefit a lot from working on something like that! When you get comfortable with the tools and processes taught in the course, feel free to swing over to our thread and create a character! We encourage entries at any skill level, and allow collaboration between our members.

It will do a world of good to push yourself for the sake of showing off what you’ve learned! The submissions close on this challenge on the 31st of December! I hope to see some of our newer members show off their potential!

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