Welcome Everyone!

I m Juliette from Netherlands
my English is not so good, so I make a lot of use of Google translate
I draw all from childhood mostly my own creations
where I like to draw in perspective

I am using the computer more than ten years now
most of what I do I’ve learned autodidact
including the most basic things like email and word processing
but above all I have taught myself to work with the Gimp
this while I see a bit with one eye
this really is enough to see what I’m doing on the screen
However, it can happen that I do not always see where the mouse is going at a screencast
Communications in the corners I see sometimes not
it is often re-watch the lesson
so it may happen that I ask things that are actually seen in the lesson
I have a few things followed on youtube,
But when I saw that great discount on these lessons, I decided to do this.

My hobbies are: drawing, writing stories, taking pictures, surfing the Internet, create textures, create images with Gimp

I want to learn how to use Blender to finally make a movie
I am fascinated by 3D models and animations.
it is my intention to make an animated docudrama a good dose of imagination

so the next parts I want to learn
make lowpoly props characters and buildings
the characters rigging and animating
texturing models
then turn on the light and render


Good morning from Tasmania!
Learning Blender to get a headstart on my digital design course I’ll be studying online. Dropped out of uni a couple of years ago, so keen to establish good learning habits early on and stay the course this time. Looking forward to having the mysteries of Blender unveiled!

Great to see so many of you joining in.

Remember with such a diverse group if you have complementing skills perhaps you can work together on a medium project, sharing the workload and combining youre awesomeness! :slight_smile:

Hello everyone, my name is Luka, i’m from Croatia. I had some experience with Blender but that was a while ago and
since I want to make my own game I decided to take this course as part of my long term
studying process.

Hi all,

I’m Aaron Brown. I’m looking to use Blender for many different reasons - game assets, art, as well as modeling for 3d printing. I’ve used 3ds max since the early 90’s, but I can’t justify the price for just hobby use. So here I am, looking at what Blender can do!

(that, and I’ve bought pretty much every course that Ben Tristam is involved in in any way :wink: )

Hi, I’m Greg. I have always been interested in animation since seeing my first Pixar movie. I also would like to be a hobbyist comedy game developer, and plan to use Unity to make that happen. Looking forward to seeing my CG skills evolve through this course, complete beginner.

Hey there! I’m Mika, i’m just finishing high school and next year im starting my game dev studies, my goal is to become a great animator, I also really love games so in extent i find game developing quite interesting, i think this course could really help me develop my 3d skills and im really exited to learn all it has to offer :grin:

Hello. My name is Viraj and i am coming from a programming background where i used to develop Mobile Apps and games. Since one year i am trying my hands on Unity and am getting up quickly. i am a standalone developer and now i have came to the face when i need to use my own Graphics. So decided to enrol this course to develop graphics for my games by myself. And I am very excited!!

Hello, my name is Stefan Brokvist and i am new to Blender. Just like to learn new things

Hello, my name is Adrian and I’m new to the course.

My name is Bruce and I am interested in 3D modeling for animation and VFX.

Hello everyone! My name is Piotr and I enjoy games as much as books. I would like to be able to develop games in the future or at least take part in a process of game design, thus I’m hoping to pick up as many skills as possible, mainly focusing on 3D modelling programs, and Unity along with Unreal engine. I would like to use Blender for modding purposes for my favourite games to let some nice ideas appear in my favourite games’ realities. :slight_smile:


My name is Thomas and i’m into vfx and would love to mix 3d objects into footage i’ve taken. Haven’t worked much in 3D software before so this course seemed like a good start and i must say that the $50 spent for this course is the best spent money i’ve done in years.

Pointers on how to export 3DCam tracking from Blender to BMD Fusion would be appreciated.

Keep up the good work!


Hi, my name is Kevin and I am primarily looking for a creative outlet. I may eventually get into some game dev, but mostly, I just love to learn new things.

Hi all! I’m Matt and need to learn 3D modeling for 3D printing. If anyone wants to make their 3D models into toys, decor for your room or house let me know. I do have a new printer and always looking for fun stuff to make.

Hello everyone.
Rohan from India here. I am a mechanical engineer by profession and an avid gamer & part time coder. I like visualizing things & story-telling. I have thought up of a small skit or mini game to create. So, i chose blender to bring it to life and here i am.
All the best to everyone taking this course…
Enjoy & create…


i’m Ahmad and i’m new to 3D design i wish i can learn it very good to be a 3D designer,
enjoy all.

thank you

Hello all!

My Name is Rien and I am from the Netherlands. Currently I am doing a Master Animal Biology and Science Communication at Leiden University. I love science, but am not a scientist myself. I always loved games and made a few games myself. I hope to learn here to make my own assets I can use in my games. With my games, I hope to create a different approach to educating science to society, especially teenagers.

Have fun in the course and I hope to meet you later on in the course.

Hello. My name is Jonathan. I have no modeling experience. I am taking the Unreal C++ course and my goal is to be able to make assets for Unreal engine.


I am John, I’m a college student out of Stony Brook (NY, USA) trying to learn more about random stuff I won’t need to know out of college. But I have some blender experience and you can do some pretty awesome stuff with it, so why not?

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