Welcome Everyone!

Hi I’m Kris, sorry for my bad english. I take 3D design class in university one and two year ago and I’m interested in learning more.

Hello everyone! My name is Michael, i have been using 3D modeling software for about 10 years but have only designed mechanical objects nothing like creatures humans or anything else without a rigid form. I love 3D printing and want to learn to create objects that i can 3D print. My family also runs a puzzle room business and i am hoping that these skills can help in creating puzzles and objects for our rooms!

Hello,everyone! I am Nick Yip who is a fresh man to start the blender and want to make wonderful works using blender because of the strong love for cartoons.
Because I come from Shandong,China and not good at English so that when I get tutorial from my senior,I almost collapsed watching the course without subtitle ,hahahaha that`s really awkward for me.But it still cannot stop me from learning about it ,very glad to join the big community.

Hello, my name is Hasan, I want to be a pro just like you guys! :slight_smile:

Hy, my name is Vlad. I`m a beginner so i see something what i want to learn and i catch it :slight_smile:

Hi Guys, starting my adventure with 3D modeling! Yay!

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Hey there, first time trying 3d modelling, lets see how it goes :slight_smile:

hello everyone,
I am just starting the blender course, I think it will be amazing to create animations and cool stuff with this knowledge. Thanks for reading, hope we all achieve our goals!

Hello everyone, my name is rizky, my goal is in the future i can create a games

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Hello all! My name is Matt and I don’t have a specific goal, rather a bunch of goals that I’m trying to fit together. One of the takeaways that I’m hoping to gain through this course is being able to create new design models for stringed instruments. However I am definitely game for designing other things as well!

Hello, My name is Joe and I started a small 501c3 not-for-profit during my MFA Electronic Visualization studies called “noisivelvet” that advocates for the arts, and artists making public work. My goal is to become fluent in blender’s interface for future work with 360/VR, 3D printing, as well as some game ideas. I have lots of experience in programs that compliment 3D rendering, and even worked with Maya during my MFA studies. I look forward to growing my skills and working with others in the community. Thank you, Joe

Hello guys! I’ve taken about 25% of this course in the past, but had to stop for a while due to the other courses I’m taking. I’m back now and thought it would be nice to start over since there’re so many hotkeys to remember. =D

Like I’ve said in the past, I’m a big enthusiast here. I wanna make games and try to join the knowledge I’m getting here with the knowledge I have on Unity3D and programming languages.

I’m really eager to see your creations. =) Have fun!

Hello. My name is Richard and I currently work at a cabinet shop in Alabama. I do art on the side and am making the transition from physical art, like painting, drawing, and sculpting to digital art, learning photoshop, after effects, and now blender to create model and motion art. I hope to create some realistic spaceships and dinosaurs by the end of the class :slight_smile:

Hi my name is Nathan and I am an aspiring game developer looking to learn about 3D modeling as that is my weakest area.

My first game on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/845940/Brickfest/

Greeting everyone, looking forward to be part of such a community. I basically want to convert the stories in my head into real 3d animations, to create an outlet for the artist inside me…

Hello to everyone.

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Hello everyone,
I’ve started this course to help me learn how to create models within Blender that I can the use within game engines. This is an area of interest for me and I will be doing this for fun with the aim of creating my own FPS game.

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My name is Westley, I am currently an author. Officially, I work as a server and bartender.

I love writing stories, but it’s not nearly enough for me to put words on paper. I’ve written two books, and I’m honestly impatient waiting for book sales to really take off. So I’ve moved into the art medium that I already had some experience in. I was aiming for a more traditional animation style, but as I can’t find anyone else to help me, 3D modeling is going to be my best bet. My goal is to be able to create a character from scratch and rig it. I’m open to learn more but I really want to be able to come up with 3D character models and move them accordingly.

I want to be so familiar with Blender that making a PB and J will seem difficult again.

I’m really ambitious in wanting to present my story to the world, and if I learn the right ways to illustrate it and show it to the world, I’ll feel a lot better at the end of the day. Even if I have to write, direct, animate, edit, act most of it by myself, I’m at that point in my life where I’m willing to do it.

I screwed my life up years ago, this is my repayment for the wrong I did.

I’m excited to be on this journey with you guys. I hope to show you this story that is constantly being locked up in my mind with no where else to go. I hope one day I can set these creative thoughts free.

Live your life and be happy the way you know best. Don’t give up and always be willing to ask for help.

If you guys need anything, I’m always available to respond (eventually), but I will.


Wow, so many people from different walks of life! I’m Ben! (Just like Tristem.) I want to make 3D models because it’s fun and cool! I got interested from “Mario Artist - Polygon Studio” on Nintendo 64. I’m only 17, but I am dead set on using this summer to learn to model like a pro. Imagine the money I’ll save…! One day at a time.

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Hi! My name is Allan. I’m a contracted full stack developer who realized a bit too late that I wanted a career change, so I’m trying to learn 3D modelling and animation software for video game design and development. I have some experience with Blender, and most recently Maya, but it’s all on a basic level. Now that I have time to learn, I thought it be best to start from the beginning and work from there. My goal is to do well enough in this course that by the time my contract ends, I’d be comfortable to at least look promising to potential employers.

I’m also learning to draw and it’s my desire to bring my characters to life so they may one day make an appearance in a video game.


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