Welcome Everyone!

Thank you so much. I feel more better now :slight_smile:

I’m artwizard from Finland. The name is something a friend jokingly called me, and it stuck.
Just started the course, always wanted to do something with 3d. I already like to draw, so I’ll see what I can manage to do with this. I hope to make some kind of game at some point, so I hope this will help me.

Hi, I am a Unity programmer from South Africa. I am doing the Blender course so that I can one day make my own assets.

Hi everyone!

I came to this course to get a better understanding of Blender. I loved gaming since the first PC I got to play with and always wanted to do a game from the ground up. I’m also an inspiring web developer, so this is something I intend to take as a break from too much programming :slight_smile:

Hi! My name is Elise and my goal is to learn the world of 3D creation and art. I want to be able to develop video game scenes and characters and hopefully one day work for a gaming company.

My name is Emanuel and I am from Buenos Aires.
I work as a web developer, and I want to learn 3d modelling, even better if its on an open source technology as blender :slight_smile:, I want to learn to make video games, so I hope this early first steps that I am doing can let met introduce into that world.


Hello everyone, my name is Daniel, I’m from Brazil. I’m an animation enthusiast. I have a few ideas I would like to turn into short animation someday, but just for fun. :grinning:

Hello all, I’m Brian and the main purpose of taking this course is to start creating my own assets for game development. Although I’m fairly good at mimicking many objects in the real world, I’m not so good about creating my own designs. Hopefully I’ll grow more open as I progress through this course start thinking outside of the box.

Well, why not? I’m William, I’m already working my way towards becoming a game developer, with a heavy background in programming already. This struck me as something to do when I was getting less motivated to finish a small programming project that I had plans to finish, and since there wasn’t much else interesting to do, I’m going with 3d modeling.

Beyond that, I already do work in ceramics, so I’m familiar with the art form of 3d modeling itself. This would make me more self-sufficient and build up on skills that I’m already actively developed and have developed for the past few years. I’ve pulled from a diverse set of skills over the years, so why not add this to the list?

Hey guys my name is Rohan im an aspiring game developer

Hi everyone, my name is Drishtu and I want to learn more about 3D Art so I signed up for this course. I wish to grow artistically and share my art through out the world. Thanks!

Hi, Martin from the Czech Republic here. I am interested in making games (adventures, arcades etc.) for children (at least I have some ideas in my head) :slight_smile: . I have started Ben’s Unity course recently and decided to add Blender into my portfolio so that I can create my own game assets.

Hi, I am Diane Bould from New Zealand. I have spent 25 years in healthcare and can’t do that anymore. I was an avid gamer and have been on Second Life for 8 years, fascinated by the technology and creativity, Now I need to work towards a new career…which hopefully will begin right here, with this course.

Hello from Rhode Island (not to be confused with Long Island =) ). My name is Javier and it seems my goals are aligned with a lot of other people here…that is to learn Blender for the purpose of make video games. I became very existed about this idea when i saw a youtube video about the MS hololens a few weeks ago and have been searching for a good course to get me started. I plan to make fantasy based games for AR, that can hopefully also transfer into VR. So i plan on taking the Unity course once I am done with this one. Can’t wait to get the ideas that have been buzzing in my head out into the real world.

Hello everyone. My name is Aron and I’ve been learning from the Unity Course, but I am taking a break to start on the Blender course so as I progress I can make models, add them to the course work as I progress to give myself a better duel understanding of the programs.

I’m quite glad Blender is free, but the interface is quite challenging when you first take a gander at it. Hopefully after a few lessons I can get back to game making once I understand some simple shapes and then I’ll continue to learn, maybe create some interesting and fun characters and assets later down the road or even sell some assets online.

Hi my name is Scott and im excited to be re-working through this course, have more time on my hands now so hopefully will get through it this time.

Hoping one day to get into game design and cant wait to get back into this course.

my name is hunter.

I think.



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Hi I’m Sydney. I am a gamer interested in 3D printing for cosplay props. I’d also like to explore 3D art in general and see where it takes me.

Hi De Ho! JimmyMac here. I want to get good enough to make intros and assets for Youtubers and Streamers including myself.

Hi there everybody,
My name is Stinni and I’m an musician from Iceland. I’ve wanted for a long time to start incorporate visuals into my music making. It would be great to be able to make 3d art also that can interact with music by using OSC and python scripts. So basically I’m craving to get into this 3d art world that is so fascinating and limitless.

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