Unreal Multiplayer Lecture List

Here’s a full list of lectures for the course

Please note Udemy lecture numbers may vary slightly as we add and remove them. This index is updated automatically every few days.

We have unique tags for lectures. For example #3_gg_cbc is the 3rd lecture, in the Getting Going section of the Complete Blender Creator.

Expand-out the section(s) you want and have fun!

1: Puzzle Platforms (pp_uem)

1 Course Promo (#0_pp_uem)
2 Introduction to Puzzle Platforms (#0b_pp_uem)
3 Connecting Two Players (#1_pp_uem)
4 How to Be an Active Student (#2_pp_uem)
5 Surveying the Multiplayer Space (#3_pp_uem)
6 Meet the Client-Server Model (#4_pp_uem)
7 Detecting Where Code is Running (#5_pp_uem)
8 Authority and Replication (#6_pp_uem)
9 Widgets For FVector Properties (#7_pp_uem)
10 Sending The Platform Back (#8_pp_uem)
11 Set Up A Simple Puzzle (#9_pp_uem)
12 Playing Over The Internet (#9b_pp_uem)
13 Set Up A Platform Trigger (#10_pp_uem)
14 Handling Overlap Events In C++ (#11_pp_uem)
15 Activating Platforms From Triggers (#12_pp_uem)
16 When To Use A GameInstance (#13_pp_uem)
17 Console Commands With Exec (#14_pp_uem)
18 Hosting Servers With ServerTravel (#15_pp_uem)
19 Joining Servers With ClientTravel (#16_pp_uem)
20 Sharing Your Game On Itch.io (#17_pp_uem)
21 Puzzle Platforms Wrap-up (#99_pp_uem)

2: Menu System (ms_uem)

22 Introduction to Menu System (#0_ms_uem)
23 Create a Menu Blueprint (#1_ms_uem)
24 Accessing UI Classes in C++ (#2_ms_uem)
25 Load And Display UMG In C++ (#3_ms_uem)
26 Changing UI Input Modes (#4_ms_uem)
27 Advanced UMG Widget Layout (#5_ms_uem)
28 Custom Buttons And Fonts (#6_ms_uem)
29 Solution: Custom Buttons And Fonts (#7_ms_uem)
30 Connecting UMG to C++ (#8_ms_uem)
31 Initialisers and UButton Callbacks (#9_ms_uem)
32 Interfaces To Invert Dependencies (#10_ms_uem)
33 Solution: Injecting Dependencies (#11_ms_uem)
34 Deactivating Menus (#12_ms_uem)
35 Sub-Menus With Widget Switchers (#13_ms_uem)
36 Solution: Styling Our Sub-Menu (#14_ms_uem)
37 Navigating Menus In C++ (#15_ms_uem)
38 Reading Text Fields From C++ (#16_ms_uem)
39 Challenge: Loading In-Game Menus (#17_ms_uem)
40 Challenge: Leaving A Server (#18_ms_uem)
41 Quitting A Game From C++ (#19_ms_uem)
42 Menu System Wrap-up (#99_ms_uem)

3: Online Multiplayer (sm_uem)

43 Introduction to Steam Multiplayer (#0_sm_uem)
44 Getting The Steamworks SDK (#1_sm_uem)
45 Building SpaceWar In Visual Studio (#2_sm_uem)
46 Building SpaceWar In Xcode (#3_sm_uem)
47 Testing Steam Lobbies (#4_sm_uem)
48 The Online Sub-System (#5_sm_uem)
49 NULL Sub-System For Testing (#6_sm_uem)
50 Memory Management In C++ (#7_sm_uem)
51 Creating Online Sessions (#8_sm_uem)
52 Destroying Online Sessions (#9_sm_uem)
53 Finding Online Sessions (#10_sm_uem)
54 Query Parameters & Session Settings (#11_sm_uem)
55 Lists Of Widgets With ScrollBox (#12_sm_uem)
56 Populating The Server List (#13_sm_uem)
57 Selecting A Server (#14_sm_uem)
58 Joining A Session (#15_sm_uem)
59 Enabling The Steam OSS (#16_sm_uem)
60 Enabling Steam In Packaged Builds
61 “Presence” For Steam Lobbies (#17_sm_uem)
62 Row Selection In Lists (#18_sm_uem)
63 Displaying Search Result Properties (#19_sm_uem)
64 Debugging The Search Results (#20_sm_uem)
65 Custom Session Settings (#21_sm_uem)
66 Continued: Custom Session Settings (#22_sm_uem)
67 GameMode And Multiplayer (#23_sm_uem)
68 Enabling Seamless Travel (#24_sm_uem)
69 Debugging Engine Code (#25_sm_uem)
70 Starting A Session (#26_sm_uem)
71 Steam Multiplayer Wrap-up (#99_sm_uem)

4: Krazy Karts (kk_uem)

72 Introduction to Krazy Karts (#0_kk_uem)
73 Creating A Go-Kart Pawn (#1_kk_uem)
74 Understanding Forces And Movement (#2_kk_uem)
75 Blocking Movement Without Physics (#3_kk_uem)
76 Rotations With Quaternions (#4_kk_uem)
77 Simulating Air Resistance (#5_kk_uem)
78 Simulating Rolling Resistance (#6_kk_uem)
79 Steering And Turning Circles (#7_kk_uem)
80 Server Functions & Cheat Protection (#8_kk_uem)
81 AutonomousProxy vs SimulatedProxy (#9_kk_uem)
82 Sources Of Simulation Error (#10_kk_uem)
83 Replicating Variables From The Server (#11_kk_uem)
84 Triggering Code On Replication (#12_kk_uem)
85 Smooth Simulated Proxies (#13_kk_uem)
86 Simulating Lag And Packet Loss (#14_kk_uem)
87 Replay Autonomous Moves (#15_kk_uem)
88 Planning Client-Side Prediction (#16_kk_uem)
89 Replicating Structs (#17_kk_uem)
90 Simulating A Move (#18_kk_uem)
91 Unacknowledged Move Queue (#19_kk_uem)
92 Server Time vs Local Time
93 Simulating Unacknowledged Moves (#20_kk_uem)
94 Fixing SimulatedProxy Prediction (#21_kk_uem)
95 Refactoring Into Components (#22_kk_uem)
96 Extracting A Movement Component (#23_kk_uem)
97 Extracting A Replication Component (#24_kk_uem)
98 Decoupling Movement & Replication (#25_kk_uem)
99 Linear Interpolation For Position (#26_kk_uem)
100 FMath::Lerp For Client Interpolation (#27_kk_uem)
101 FQuat::Slerp For Rotation (#28_kk_uem)
102 Hermite Cubic Spline Interpolation (#29_kk_uem)
103 FMath::CubicInterp For Velocity (#30_kk_uem)
104 Refactoring With Structs (#31_kk_uem)
105 Client Interpolation Mesh Offset (#32_kk_uem)
106 Advanced Cheat Protection (#33_kk_uem)
107 End Of Course Wrap-up (#99_kk_uem)

Last automatically over-written: Thu 4 Feb at 12:34 UK Time
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