Thrust Attack - Part 1

Hello. I recently moved my rig if Blender 4.0 and I have lost all of the rig layers in the N settings. How can I fix this? I have researched it and nothing I have tried has fixed it.

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Although I haven’t done this course yet and therefore can’t help more directly, I’ve read about this problem before, and I’m pretty sure it has to do with the underlying python files getting mismatched and no longer pointing to the resources they’re supposed to (analogous to the infamous magenta texture for missing files).

Edit: I managed to find the original post. If FedPete’s solution doesn’t work, have a look at the link I put there, as it connects to several other possible solutions:

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Rig Layers were replaced by bone collections in Blender 4.
Might be an idea to stick to the same version of Blender as the course if it proves a problem relating the layers to the new collections.

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Aha! Thanks to @Dwayne I finally found this post again. We should have a solution to this Rig Layers problem now. Try this:


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