Thread to show my progress with Blender

I made the dust with the texture from this tutorial and a little bit scaling.

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Thanks, yours looks better than it does on his model. You scale it smaller presumably? His looks close to very light snow!

Thats true, I scaled it smaller.
I looked at my real diskstation to match a realistic result :smile:
Unfortunately, that’s the limit, even smaller, and you notice the repetitive texture.

There should be dust on the desk too!

However, for even better effects, it ought to be possible to mask the dust off. Showing where handling has happened, but cleaning has not. If you got dust on the desk it would be mostly at the back away from where ‘stuff’ has been moved about on the surface, arms rested on it, etc. Likewise, the diskstation, handled probably from the sides, fingers or thumbs on the top middle edges, cleaning away the dust.

Just a small enhancement task for you next month lol.


I followed the tutorial from “default cube” but then left out some things (which are still difficult to understand for me) and made them easier to complete the project.

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The tree with the texture is imported into Blender directly from the asset library of Quixel Bridge. (Quixel - Plugins)


Wow! Your art work is amazing, I’ve only done 26% of the blender course, but I’m finding it addictive - such a powerful art tool. I want to make my own animated movie, a bit ambitious but I like to push myself. Do you use blender for work or hobby? Well done with your art! loves Jess Bernstein xxx Here is my first little tank i’ve just finished -



For this I used the Blender build in the “Sampling Tree” add-on and an HDRI environment map as a background.


Multi use birds very good asset use.
Nice Bird migrating time use of the theme too.

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I have followed a few lessons from that bathroom course and linked them to this week’s topic. I worked with the cloth physics for the curtain and the particle system for the foam. I think I have to recreate the birds as a character and have to animate them, the model is unfortunately already quite distorted. :see_no_evil:



I can see them … :wink:
Still going strong.


@XtremeJam87 check this out

Is it possible to make a short video showcasing some of the models made on this forum?

This is still my favorite!

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