The Blender Collab: Weekly Themed Gallery (Final Entries due Sunday 17th Sept) The Bathroom

The topic for this Collab is the bathroom. This can be anything (not vulgar please) from a bathroom, a soap dish, shower, faucet, the entire room…


My bathroom.


You put a lot of stuff :o I like the flowers, very pretty :slight_smile: and I like your towels, I wasn’t sure about how to make mine hahahaha

I’m waiting for my render to finish right now, so I’ll post it shortly :slight_smile:

Relaxing bath


Very Nice. I love your vase, and I wish I would have thought of candles, nice work.

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@Christi_Banister , @marilu597
Thumbs up for both of you. You’ve both done a great job

That is so romantic :wink:
Although if you care for some thoughts from a visitor I’d say:
That window looks a bit absurd, people wouldn’t have a big uncovered window next to a bath, not everyone likes the risk of someone looking at you at bath.
Texture on tiles repeats from one tile to another, that doesn’t happens very often irl, most tilesetters don’t bother keeping the pattern, some tiles don’t have that kind of pattern to connect. That makes it look like wall isn’t tiles at all, more like some kind of paint, I had to look hard to figure out that was actually tiles.
And that candles don’t produce light + they most likely would have reflection from tile surfaces.

haha all valid observations. I also thought about that, but my current knowledge is limited :stuck_out_tongue:

I wanted to make the tiles have a single pattern, but I didn’t know how. I used a procedural texture in a single tile. Then I imported that tile as a linked object into another blender file and applied an array modifier. When I finished the wall I noticed what you say about it looking like a painting, but I didn’t know how to make the tile look like actual tiles, since I only had one tile textured in the original file, I don’t know how to stop the procedural texture from extending to the other tiles continuously. If you know how please tell me hahaha

The candle light was very difficult too. I tried intensifying the strength of the emission, but it only made it look grainy and didn’t create the effect I wanted. I honestly don’t know very much about creating light effects yet.

And finally, the window was supposed to have curtains… but I didn’t have the time to add them :sweat_smile:

I’ve been into the homes of people who are “Well Off” and many do indeed have nice clear windows right above the tub.

to break the tile patterns try modeling the grout lines by placing them along two edges of the tile. Very few bathrooms are done with the tiles butted up to one another without grout (the grout acts as a sealant to keep water out from behind them) the exception of course is Marble which is not common as bathroom tiling.

As for the candles, I see two options
a) fake by using spotlights to create the illusion of reflected light
b) turn up the gloss on your tiles

meh, all that’s just suggestions though

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Awesome bathrooms the work in this thread keeps getting better and better! If we do not get one more entry in the thread tonight the contest will get automatically extended for one more week .
@Christi_Banister if one more entry is not posted here tonight can you please update the thread subject to reflect that your contest theme will be active for one more week :slight_smile:

Yes, I will make sure to extend the contest if we do not receive another entry. Thank you.

After i finally finish Rendering, i will participate :). The anticipated time is in about 1/2 to 1 hour

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Rerendering now, after 4 hours, just finished 38% ^^.
Now doing it at alower res, will post it asap


well, nothing so fancy for me, just a simple spot to take care of business


Wow @Manu_Scheller that looks very professional! I really like the reflections on the glass of the shower :slight_smile:

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Nice one, business always needs taken care of :slight_smile:
well done all, love seeing what everyone comes up with!

Thank you very much marilu :slight_smile:

Thank you for participating this week. Amazing effort by all. :grinning:
Time to vote for your favorite…

You don’t have to participate to vote, anyone from the community can place a vote.


Hey Christi, are you not putting your bathroom up for voting?

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