Extra Activities , I know! Should have nnot spend too much time with it!

Hi, friends! This time I picked some toys from my son shelf. Took me a while to do it but I did enjoy the time while doing it. Scaling is not the best but you know, I am just learning yet! :slight_smile:
Thanks for visiting and please keep in touch!

:cut_of_meat: :broccoli: :wine_glass:

@Mdp4life @Eirik_Guttulsrud @Hiju @Hobgoblin @Logen_M @Moon_Raccoon @ben @Michael_Bridges


Nice work- Never spend too much time modelling, unless there is a real deadline to meet :blush:

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Yes, I know. I am just trying to burn the basis in mine brain! :slight_smile:

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Great work! Really need to get my finger out and catch up with you :wink:

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Things are going great for you :joy:. I think you could make a new career out of what your getting into. Hopfully ill get to be this good and we can collab maybe. What exactly are you getting into 3d modeling for? (i.e. game assets, 3d printing,etc.)

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Hope you will soon :slight_smile: , just switch of your gaming rig! :slight_smile:

Yes, I would like to get into this business really, kind of a dream. I would like to do some kinda game development. Game assets and later on extend my knowledge to unreal 4 and C++.
But first I really would like to master Blender. It would open more windows not just game dev but other freelance projects. And yes please keep in touch, great idea.

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Nice. I will keep in touch. Make sure to keep tagging me in your work so i can show some love and see what else you come up with.

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Is it okay to spend much time modelling if I want to become real good?

Well, I would say it is our time and we can spend it as we like :slight_smile: Think you are like me, spend time on each model just to get better and better…how they say this? more efficient after time?! You are a bit ahead of me! :slight_smile: I will add you to my list if you do not mind. Please do the same and tag me so I can see your work.

Time and practice results in mastery. :-). No real shortcuts if you want to get really good at anything :wink:

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You are right, just a bit ahead. Won’t matter in few month, if you take 3D modelling seriously, you may even get ahead of me :wink:. I take 3D modelling very seriously, I want it to become my primary source of income. Just make good animated stuff, be paid via Patreon, work for myself and have full freedom. I plan to start making serious stuff in 2-3 months, although “side activities” delaying me quite a bit, but I’m getting better and faster :sunglasses:
Here is what I did until now: A month in Blender
I bookmarked your page, it seems there is now “add to friend list” function on this forum. There is one more like us: @GhostKnight
Things get much more interesting once you learn basics how to add color to them. Try using Cycles and Blender Renderers. They are simple and fun (you can get some results without knowing much about them, just camera position and lights.)

Have you looked at the Weekly Collab yet? There are a bunch of us who do that competition and if you are serious about modeling as you say I suggest getting involved.:clown_face:

Just pop into the Showcase portion of the forum and watch for the thread that contains “Weekly Collab” in the title. Anyone can enter and we all vote for who did the best model that week (or fortnight). The winner sets the theme for the next week, this weeks entries are due tomorrow (Sunday Nughts) with voting on Monday. Join the fun

I know well enough about it. But I most likely won’t ever participate in it. I see no point in it.

  1. There is a serious works from skilled artists, which I am really not yet.
  2. I’m not typical 3D artist looking for employer or some projects to get involved into, I have my own ideas and once I possess enough skill I will start working on them, they will keep me busy for months, and have enough chances to bring me profit.
  3. Thematics. A bathroom? Really? I have a lot of things waiting down the line: Subaru WRX, Power Armor, making myself with a lot of cool gear and armor, and a lot of other cool ideas that I don’t have time for.
    Why on earth would I do bathroom?:laughing: Let them girls make their bathtubs, they seem to enjoy a warm water, a foam and some other stuff.
  4. Just don’t like the very concept of competing.
    Just as I said, it’s not for me. I do check it out though, although for me it’s not different than any other posted works.

Well, to each their own. Competition helps us face the truth about our skill and doing things outside our own interests forces us to expand our abilities and become better acquainted with parts of the program we wouldn’t normally use.

For instance, as the founder and owner of my own game dev company what I am really interested in with Blender is the ability to create good game assets. I know I will never be a great animator or cgi/vfx guy but by learning those areas of the program, I can improve my ability to design and build models for my games which people who are good at those areas can use to their best effect. And, even though “Bathrooms” have very little to do with a space game, they have a lot to do with designing and laying out effective interior environments that can be placed in a game with very little work.

Competition is when one wins and others go comforting themselves with excuses. I believe in working for guaranteed(more or less) result and reward.
One doesn’t needs competition to know his skill. Competition will only show his skill compared to other participating competitors.
And there is little sense in knowing things you wouldn’t normally use. It doesn’t hurt to know more, but not on the expense of more important areas.
As I said, I’m from those people barely finding enough time for things they need and want.

Well, i have got a same kind of idea, to get myself to a good level and make it as first income. I might do not have enough time what I would like to spend in blender(work, family etc.) but I know I will be there sooner or later.
I have seen that pink flag already I think! :smiley: Do like it!
I will tag ghostknight as well, thx for letting me know!

You can watch for Moon_Raccoon too, but like most people here it seems they don’t take this stuff seriously and spreading their time for a lot of other activities.
In my country we say about it: "He who runs after two hares will catch neither"
I’m in a bit different position. I spend 6-8 hours a day at this and have little troubles besides it, have a little bit o work to do though. I decided to learn 3D purely for making business out of it, but it turned out to be much more interesting then I imagined. A month ago I didn’t even knew what rendering is :laughing:

Well not all of us got the freedom of 6-8 hours daily. Myself 8-9 hours in work then need to look after my 2.5 years old including activities and when he turns attention somewhere else then I can sit next to PC. But I kind of changing my schedule, meaning to get up earlier and do this course 3-4 hours, while they sleep. So like I said I will reach my destination, just later! :slight_smile:

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