Couldn’t it be done every two weeks ?? So I could be able to participate and work on other projects anyway …
Or maybe a “ten days challege”…
Poll closed, the winner is Marty McFly
Congratulations @Blest, now it’s your turn to setup the next thread with a theme of your choosing!
Thanks to everybody that participated, either submitting a picture or just voting
There’s an ongoing discussion about the challenge’s duration, my opinion is that this challenge should stay weekly and with just a general theme and no specific requirements, and that we could start another series of monthly or biweekly challenges with a different theme and with some kind of restriction on the finished product
Hurrah! So it’s my turn to name the new theme. Well, last weeks we danced and sang, the next one will be calming. Because I want to see what is vital for the “Perfect Garden” . The deadline is May 29, 2020 . I don’t know how to write it right with different timing for everybody. And how to start it. Help!
You can use the “Insert Date/Time” to do that.
Just choose the time you want in the time zone you want, and the system will adjust it accordingly.
Congratulations Blest!
Congratulation Blest, good work!
If the deadline was two weeks, this would have been the result then :
(Concept art created by Nguyễn Khoa)
Looks good! Great job!
Perfect! You did a fantastic job of recreating Freddie.
Ah nice! How did you do the… I don’t know what to call it… cloud? I’d guess volumetrics. Whole thing looks really good.
No, even though I am not particularly good in photoshop, I still managed to do it there as post fx