The Blender Collab: Week 20 Themed Gallery ("Rock 'n' Roll")

Ok, that’s too bad! I really tried to rush to finish it this morning :frowning:. Well, it’s not like it was a winner anyways… hehe

Hey don’t worry. It’s a good one! :smiley: You can still improve the bone anatomy, but since you were in a rush i guess cuts had to be made haha

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It’s more “Heavy Metal”

You can start a monthly one …

But the goal of a weekly one is to build skills.
Work on time management. Be efficient.
Try something out of your comfort zone.

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Great submissions everyone!


It was a hard choice but I finally voted on the keyboard, good job Marcello! I may be a bit biased though, because I play the piano :grin:

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Haha, thanks! My vote went for Freddy Mercury, because Freddy needs some love :grin:
I love those rooms you create. I might make one, too for the next one if you don’t mind…


I do understand the goals of the weekly challenge, but I think we are missing most of it because one week goes really fast. Here’s how my week went:

When I fist saw this week topic, Slipknot came to my mind right away. I figured out that I could model 1 body and then, using sculpting, I could make individual mask quite easily. So I started modeling these guys and it went quite well, I did learn a lot doing so, and this is very positive. Then I decided to use armature to pose them indivudually and this… wasn’t… easy…

I spent 3 completes evening trying to make this work, watching youtube vids, playing around with armature and bones, using rigify mostly and after a lot of searching and cursing, I found out that my sculpted model were too high poly to be riged. So I used merge by distance to drop the poly count from nearly 700k polys to 40k. It did work great and I had hope to be able to finally rig those dudes and move on to the scene. I did rig one and it felt great honnestly, but then, when I started rigging the second one, the first one just unriged, probably because I link duplicated the armature by accident when I copied the body…

And now, this is where I stand, I spent 4-5 evening on this and i’m absolutely disapointed about how it renders. I did learn many things out of this, lots of skills and I have no regrets on spending that time on it even if I dislike the result.

But here’s what I believe to be true about being truly out of your comfort zone:

You will build skills, that’s for sure, but you can’t work on time management, because you have no idea of how much issues you will have to overcome to get something truly new and challenging to you done.

You can’t learn something new and be efficient in the same time, because you just don’t know how to do it yet, you are learning it as you go and this may be surprisingly time consuming.

Now, I’ll get this project done as I intended, full scale, without compromise and i’ll be happy about it. But next time, I might just draw a CD case instead to fit the timescale.


I do like that idea, it seem to me that it would give enough time to actually try something new and achieve it properly.


I get what you’re saying, but one of the things I like about the short deadline is it forces you to be more efficient. And figuring out what can and can’t be done in a certain amount of time is part of that learning process. Just do whatever you’re able to do in the time. As we get better, we’re able to do more in less time.

That’s how I feel about it anyway. I like it short. If it’s too much longer it becomes a long-term project instead of a quick one.


Did you solve your rigging / posing poblem ?

That’s part of the challenge, choosing a subject that you can finish in time: this week I tried something too complex for my skill level, but correctly estimating the effort is a skill in itself.

Maybe we can have two challenges, the weekly one with a simple theme that we already have and a monthly or fortnightly one with somewhat more specific requirements?


Not yet, didn’t had time to work on that yesterday, I’ll try to figure this out tonight. It will work, I’m pretty determined to get it done right


that sounds like a good idea :+1:

of course it’s too late, but here’s the progress before retopo and colorize him :


Great performance!


Thanks mate :grin::+1:t2:

Finally. Teeth :grin:

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I never noticed the lack of teeth xD


The way I posed him it could be they were hidden by the lips, but as he is famous of the teeth, they should appear :joy::+1:t2:

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