Shop initially shows empty


I’m having some trouble resolving a bug that Sam pointed out in the Displaying a ShopItem course at timestamp 4:20.

In particular, it seems the initial opening of a shop window shows a blank store, then when you close and open again, the items are present. He indicates this is an issue to be fixed - however, it is not addressed. The screenshots for the next lessons then start right on the shop open so we do not see how the shop is opened with NPC interaction.

And then at the “Preparing a Transaction” lesson at timestamp 10:40, the player is moved to a shopkeep NPC and the shop opens first time with items present. However, there has been no description as to how this bug was resolved. I’ve spent several hours trying to address this and can not find a solution. How did Sam address this issue?

I note this was brought up in a previous post:

However, the issue was closed with the original poster’s question not addressed.

As an aside, it has become challenging trying to track down issues like this with the comments associated with each course no longer available beneath each lecture on the new website. Finding this post above involved searching with tags through the entire forum databases, which was challenging. Is there a plan to reunite the past posts for each lecture to the new site? This was very valuable. Again, Kudos on the transition - the site was up on the new platform very quickly. However, trying to troubleshoot issues, like the above, drawing upon previous insight now seems very challenging.

Not quite sure where to post questions like this now - so have posted here, under each of the lectures listed above and will send directly to support as well.

Ah, my apologies, should have had a bit more patience. Sam addresses this issue later at the start of the Switching to Selling Lesson. There was an errant Quest List UI script on the Content of the Scroll View UI component that was causing a race condition between the two Starts in QuestListUI and ShopUI causing the initial deletion. Removing this quest List UI script from the Scroll View UI component addresses the issue. You can jump ahead to this lesson and jump back - he covers it right at the start. Mystery solved!

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