Sharing Your Project's MVP with us

Okay, so a non-techincal one for me.

I’m launching a business and executive coaching business that’s based in the outdoors (i.e. offering coaching but literally up a mountain.

My MVP is my first product - a 1-2-1 coaching package, and having all the dependencies in place to deliver it

It includes:

  • Outdoor leadership training attained
  • Outdoor First Aid Qualification attained
  • Coaching Diploma attained
  • Coaching programme structure defined
  • Website working and completed (done - - shameless plug!)
  • On-boarding process, including forms, medical checks, etc.
  • Standard Operating Procedures and Terms and Conditions defined
  • Insurance cover obtained

That covers everything I NEED in place to deliver the product to someone.

I’m almost there, I just need to complete the coaching qualification and define my programme structure and it’s ready!

Then I need to market and sell the thing…

My MVP will be a Survival game in which the player must survive against hunger and thirst, build a base and can craft weapons or tools.

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My MVP is an open-world game, limited in a 3x3 zone. Player can move around just fine and interact with objects. Player has missions and quests and earn money. Player can spend money to progress through the questline, and eventually finish the game. Player can get hurt, player can die. Player can buy lives at hospital, or heal for a cost. Questlines with various objectives, all locations based. Taxi services, deliveries, running over people, etc. No need for fancy art low-poly asset. Game works from A to Z with all scripts (player controller, camera controller, etc) and can be finished, and unlock several endings.

Looks fun Hamster! Id like if you kept us updated on your progress, im a huge sucker for the survival/management/craftman type of game

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Looks great but that background hurts my eyes >.<

After dabbling in game dev for years (and in game modding maaaany years before that) without ever actually releasing anything, I’ve finally decided to change that and to produce something concrete that I can look back on in the future. Seriously, it pains me now that I didn’t keep any of my old projects from ~15 years ago. So if you’re reading this: make sure that you have your work backed up somewhere – even if it may seem pretty unimpressive to you right now/you only play with some projects - it’s always great to look back and to see how far you’ve come.

The MVP for my current project (fast-paced, mission-based FPS) is as follows:

  • Dynamic 3D main menu with seamless transition into the gameplay. Think of the cliché zoom into the player characters head. (This is a basic requirement for me since I’m mainly interested in the technical aspect of asynchronous resource management)
  • Single mission/level with ~2-3 minutes of gameplay
  • Player movement and basic collision detection (no advanced physics, no movable level geometry)
  • Player can switch between two different weapons (no animations)
  • Enemies that can fully navigate in 3D while pursuing the player (flying)
  • Enemies can damage the player and vice versa
  • Simple win condition of ‘reach an area’ with simple splash screen ending
  • Simple lose condition by ‘reaching 0 health’ with simple splash screen ending
  • And last-but-not-least: actually publishing the demo on

It’s something very basic, but the most important thing for me is to simply get something done. I had to leave behind so many open and unfinished tasks in my daytime job back in 2020, and they still linger in my mind. It’s time to add some success stories and finished projects to these memories!

I have finished 64% of the “Finish it” course and enjoying it very much.

I’ve made a game in Ludum dare 42 called “Golden Shackles” and I really wanted to continue and professionally publish it which is what I’m working on now.

This is the link for the game as it is right now in case anyone would like to try it:

So Rick challenged us to post about our MVP so here I am. I already built most of the core of the game but currently, it is kinda boring :slight_smile: So I planned the key elements which should make it fun :smiley:

  • A player can craft different styles of the same jewelry
  • There is a Day and night cycle which controls the flow of customers
  • Customers are visible and their flow changes depending on day time
  • The gold flow speed increases every day
  • A Player’s progress is saved at the end of each day
  • A player can use the upgrades station for three more upgrades
  • A box randomly appears for the player to open and it could contain an item to help or hinder them
  • There is a script at the start of each day to engage the player and alert him of the difficulty increase
  • A player can repeat the game after winning by adding at least one modifier
  • A player either watch ads or pay for the game to play (not clear yet)

Wish me luck :slight_smile:

My MVP is having a player that can move around, a side scroll level to move around in, an NPC that runs away from the player and the ability to either succeed or fail at catching up to the NPC.

Mine is Action RPG game. MVP is that player movement as third person, player can kill enemies, enemies can kill player, at least one level to test it out, along with few pickups.

My MVP is going through the “Complete C# Unity Game Development” course on Udemy and having my games to be at a minimum, the same look and feel as the author’s. My goal is to not only be able to complete the course, but to “cement” the concepts in my head so that I can continue on with GameDev.Tv’s other courses.

My MVP is a game that allow the player to change between some basic shape, move to the location and win

The MVP for my project:

  • Blocked out level
  • movement (walking, running, dodging)
  • combat (shooting enemies)
  • simple enemies that will attack you and die when you attack them
  • A restart mechanic so that when you die you start over

My MVP at least according to Rick’s definition for my 2D dungeon crawler is already done (I’m building upon my GDTV 2021 Gamejam release)

Namely: Title screen, 4 levels, 4 enemies, collectibles (coins), ranged combat, lighting system (static torches and controller-driven player torch), music, sound effects, pause screen, and a victory state (reach exit on final level).

My next milestones are, in order of importance:

  • Game Loop: Overworld, town(s) and dungeons (currently player starts in the game’s only dungeon)
  • Progression (character levels, stat / equipment upgrades)
  • A way to spend coins (e.g. shop)
  • Dialogue (I have a dream to create something grand-RPGlike similar to the Ultima series)… I may need to rein this in.
  • Multiple party members (to leverage my repressed creative writing urges) - though as my game is real-time this could be a challenge to implement AI combat.

And another thing probably outside the scope of this list but incredibly important to get a bead on is … dun dun dun: marketing. It’s my belief that marketing needs to begin once your MVP is complete… If nothing else, I guess once your game being shown out in the real world it gives a nudge to get the darn thing finished :slight_smile:

My MVP is for a silly side-scroller adventure, in which players will be able to move through a small handful of levels, dodging enemies and picking up treasures. They will be able to don different costumes, which will affect their character’s physics, or play experience. By combining costume and skill, they will be able to reach a secret, hidden level.

My MVP is to have a fully textured still life setpiece including a bowl, table, apple, and knife. This will be done in Blender.


My MVP is a playable level in my UE4 game prototype with a start and finish, where the Player can use Pall the essential mechanics - move, attack, use skills, control companion. It must also include damage and stun mechanics and at least two different and distinct enemy types (different attack types and AI mechanics). I am really close to this MVP at this point in Finish It! course (love the couse by the way).

All the best!

I wouldn’t normally post anything but I’m doing Rick’s ‘Finish it’ course and I want to follow every part of the course.
It’s genuinely the best thing I’ve done to focus me, and keep me focused.

My MVP is for a VR game using unity.

• VR tracking is precise
• Player can shoot
• Starting a level will randomly select a mini game
• Win/lose conditions for mini games are recorded in the ‘world’
• Win/lose conditions are set for ‘world’

Big shout out to Rick for these great courses!



My project is a website I’m working on for a friend. The MVP was the exoskeleton of the sections, placeholder titles and CSS structure to make everything look in order (no detail at that time besides they are well-defined sections).

I’ve actually been grinding this project recently, so my next step is making sure the footer has relevant info, and the social links work

Thank you, and have a great day!

Hello everyone I just start this course first but next one will be some blender learning. Not much but) my MVP is makes first 3-d model in Blender. And finish the section Building Habits.

Hi all. First off, thank you to Rick for putting together “Finish It!”, I’m getting a lot of value out of the course.

The MVP I’ve chosen is to finish the Combat System for my Vampire RPG, Shadowplay. As part of the Milestone task I have signed up and committed myself to the following Game Jam:

I’m hoping to have a functional timeline-based combat system completed by the end of the jam on the 31st July 2023. I made Shadowplay as part of the 2021 Vampire Game Jam and have been pottering with it, on and off, ever since. If you’d like to try the original game jam version, I’ve just unlocked it and you can find it here on my itch page:

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