Section 1 Lesson 11 - End of Section Challenge

Simple, but definitely getting the hang of it!


I too am amazed at how creative everyone is. I think we all want to put out individuality on the projects and create things we are interested in. You did a great job!

Couldn’t think of anything to try to model at first, was to stressed worrying about what it would look like, so had to relax, take a step back, then I found this on screen a bit later. :slight_smile:

(Remember to have fun with this, you are your own worst critic. And if that critic is discouraging you from even trying…then he needs to be let go. hire an artist instead, sure their crazy but at least their positive.(self observing brain narration to self.))


Only way to learn is get in there and muck around and experiment. One of the things I like about the lecture series, is even Michael makes errors! He seems to take it in stride and uses it as a learning opportunity how to think about solving the issue…then goes to show you how to fix them. It makes me feel good even the pros make mistakes and, I have learned a lot though those errors and how he fixes them.

Yep, remember to have fun with it! We are our worst critic! Blender just takes practice and taking the step to share your work is a confidence builder. Most people taking this course are beginners like myself or come with a little experience and I have found most everyone here is supportive and will try to answer questions even if they get it wrong or, misunderstood what was asked.

Keep up the good work!

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I agree, posting the progress we make is a huge confidence boost, I had not expected that. Normally I never post anything, but these courses literally tell me to. And I am glad I listened. :slight_smile:
Thank you for the moral boost and good luck to you as well

Fly Free

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I am like you I rarely share what I create but, I have found it helps me to have others look at it and make comments if they chose to. Not to mention, taking the time to look at what others creates sometimes gives me that added boost of creativity and ideas I need. Or, most people are glad to answer questions.

I know on my lamp I created I was having a terrible time making the base and shade nice and glossy . I asked one of the folks, who did a really nice job on their lamp if they would share what they did. He posted a screen shot of his Cycles Nodes and I was able to update my lamp and looked so much better.

So, keep posting!

Heres my challenge :slight_smile:

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Its a cooker! F**k yeah!


My rendition of the challenge!

You found colors, thats Awesome! (now i have to go looking. lol)


Here’s my attempt at the challenge, which ended being a creepy tall gnome.


Heres Mine I even added a torus to the mix

Have a good Day all

The tin man how cool or is he a block head wearing a dunce cap lol either way cool man

Thanks! He does look like the tin-man, doesn’t he? I decided his hand wasn’t too bad and have took to making a robot with it.

LOL first gaming model oh yeah LOL


Hi everybody! “Nice work” to all of you. Here’s my little castle.


Well lol here is mine not as creative as most. I’m eager to learn so just did what was asked

  • cube cillinder and cone
  • with 4 3d view editors
  • two on front and two on top view
  • one in persp and another in ortho respectively

Decided to make a drink and an ice cream cone on a table.
But I had nothing to hold up the ice cream and it fell over!


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