Section 1 Lesson 11 - End of Section Challenge

I started on a diesel loco, but then I wasn’t happy with it at my current level of skill, so I’m going to create a shell for a train shed instead for now…

Great solution!

To get the underside of the canopy carved out, I first duplicated the flat cone on the top using the option in the tool shelf and used the :arrow_down: arrow key to move the duplicate few inches down.

Have the original one selected, I applied the difference modifier as told. Nothing seemed happened at first, but I found the overlapped mass cancelled out when I moved away the duplicate. That was where I realized the shape used to carve would not disappear after using (Which makes sense. I guess I have gotten too used to immediately ctrl+d selection in photoshop). So, I manually deleted the duplicate.

I used a box to carve the torus in the same way. Ta—da! A normal looking umbrella.

Thank you, DDG! :blush:


You’re welcome! Nice work!

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By the way, you can now unite all of your primitives in one solid body (or closed surface). Use boolean modifier Union and you will get ready-to-use asset for some kind of game.

That is wonderful :laughing:
I would do it after I learn about applying colours in the course, though. Haha.

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Here is my first attempt. It is simple, but it was really cool to test all the things we have been learning until now making something!

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Wow! lots of cool stuff here :slight_smile: Here is my first go.


Here is my end of section 1 challenge. I was kind of going for a castle gate. Not as fancy as some of the others on this thread but still I’m fairly proud of it. I did some scale along the different axises to achieve it.

Well done, it looks really really cool!

I didn’t realize this is where we posted our lesson 11 challenges woops!
Here’s mine, it’s just some random shapes on top of one another:

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I didn’t put as much effort in it as some others here, but I am happy with it nevertheless :^)

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Didn’t realize the challenge was to only use one cube, one cylinder and one cone and ended up spending a lot of time on this one. It was fun nevertheless and I quite like final result. It seems like everyone’s pushing their imagination for this challenge too which is really nice, so here’s mine.

A sword and a whetstone. Made by combining cubes, cylinders and cones of different sizes together. Hope it’s alright.



A little forest

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@TNae Impressive sword!

I’m still getting used to how to create the windows where I want them, but this is my end of section challenge.

great job
i just tried myself took me about 2 hours ( made a lot of mistakes)
it is a desk with a pen holder and a lamp

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A simple lamp-like thing for the challenge.

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Here is my castle! I visited Disney recently and suppose I had Epcot on my mind when creating it… I definitely learned 101 ways NOT to move/manipulate objects before finishing!

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My first build in Blender! I had too much fun with the cones haha. This program is so different from Maya, but I’m really enjoying it so far! This course is awesome :smiley:


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