Question- Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D (Updated To Unity 6)

As for lecture 5 in setting up VSCode, and creating new scripts, I get different things than you do.
As for start, I can’t change the name of the file from the assets folder in Unity (I can change it from the finder).
I also get this code when starting:

is that ok?
Because when right clicking on the asset screen, there is only “C# Script” as in the following:

Thanks in advanced!

Hi elickplay,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Which version of Unity do you use? In one of the recent versions, Unity (the company) once again renamed things in the menu. Unfortunately, that sometimes happens.

What I see in your first screenshot looks correct. You just have to rename NewMonoBehaviourScript to TestDelete because the classname must match the filename. Unity needs the same names to be able to process the file.

“C# Script” sounds correct. In a few versions of Unity, there is “C# Script” and “New MonoBehaviour” (or something like that). It might be that they removed the latter.

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