Periscope Challenge

I love Periscopes

so i just had to learn how to make it work.
Made a Cube, then made a linked duplicate and played with the edges until I had the shape, linked them with another cube on the center just because I misread the instructions. then made some faces into metals with zero roughness to make them mirrors.
Enjoying Udemy and this course. :ok_hand:



This is my version of the periscope challenge! I literally had no idea what a periscope was, until I google searched it! Anyway, from the looks of my image you may notice that it is very different from the others. Ill admit that I misread the instructions as “use 2 cubes and one wedge”. It got me thinking of how I could only use 1 wedge, and I decided to use a duplicate. As for the two cubes, the first one is joined to the wedge, and was eventually duplicated along with the wedge. The second cube was used for the long neck of the periscope. Of course the base of the periscope is at (0,0,0). On a final note, I took advantage of having a linked duplicate and scaled down the end of the cube which scaled the cube at both ends of the periscope.



Here is my periscope. Two wedges, one block set with a base location of 0x, 0y, 0z.

Here is my effort! I actually ended up link duplicating the cube and rotating it 180 degrees on the y axis in order to make the wedge for the periscope simultaneously. This had me thinking for a bit. Nice challenge!

periscope done

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It is done :^U

Got my periscope! :slight_smile:

There’s mine

I think i misunderstood the challenge :smiley:

My version of the periscope, hope you like it.


Basic periscope:

And the minimized version - started by selecting all vertices and removed doubles, then manually selected and deleted redundant vertices until all I got left was the top and bottom plates. Then created new faces between them.

my periscope

Periscope render and screenshot

Here is my ugly periscope.

Mine don’t look quite connected for whatever reason, but I think that’s the only real problem I had.

Maybe I should have zoomed in closer when fitting them or something.

Decided to start from scratch because my original wedges where very long. Quickly just made a cube and sliced it in half, duplicated it and flipped it on the Z axis then added a cube in the centre then joint together. Then attached the 3D cursor to the very bottom and changed the origin to sit on the 3D cursor instead of geometry and change the location to 0,0,0

Another one

1st close to reality model :stuck_out_tongue:

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