Periscope down! This was a fun challenge, as its starting to feel like I’m developing a pretty useful skill-set
I think I over complicated the maths in placing the base @ (0,0,0), but got there without too much trouble.
To try for next similar task: set 3d-cursor to midpoint between wedges before spawning the cube so it is created in the correct location. HOWEVER, I guess that relies on you wanting a cube of default dimensions?
Here is my periscope i had to change my ration setting to flip my lower wedge but i got the job done.
I think I might have learned something on this one. Yes I can see where planning will be become more important as we go down the road.
Here’s my Periscope. I had some issues doing this on my own. Couldn’t figure out how to rotate/flip my object. Watched how the instructor did it and he helped me a lot. I ended up doing the process all over again to make sure I could do it faster and understand my mess ups.
LOL! Me too.
Here is my effort. I removed some faces to give it a sense of where you look in and see out. I also removed two interior faces so that the model is actually a hollow tube all the way through.
Paused the video a bit early, so I got a slightly different result. It’s a bit longer, and I thought I was supposed to place the periscope’s origin at 0,0,0. Overall I think this is OK.
This is my Periscope challenge. I did this a little different. I just edited the cube from the edges to make the periscope shape and I also did the periscope the lesson way. This course is a lot of fun.
I did the same thing! Much easier to spawn a cube and stretch a few edges up… Still was good practice to edit the cubes and join them etc.