One Way Syncing

I am having the same issue addressed in the previous thread… but, as I cannot reply on that thread, I can’t ask a clarifying question… That thread is here: Syncing only works one way

When I host the game, launching in Unity, position Syncing is working on both the in Unity game, and the external Built game. However, if I host the game from the External build, and move my player from within Unity no syncing occurs, and the External build does not change.

The “Solution” reply to the question at issue is

" Hi, I tested this out on my build and got the same result. Presumably since the client doesn’t have authority to move objects, the sync is overridden by the position in server. It would laos mean mobving on the client does not trigger sync behaviour. When I went to the build/host and move the unit, it immediately jumped back to the Server position on both versions."

Unfortunately, I do not understand this response… Do I need to set an authorization somewhere?

Hi there,
By default behaviour is syncing from the server over to the various clients. This is how all the game states are kept in sync. If the client could control an objects position on the server, there could be conflicting information on the object’s position.

When we setup unit movement later in the course, the client will call to the server and ask the server to move the unit. The server will do the actual changing of the objects position. This is important for the reason stated above (that the server can sync the transforms across the clients) but also because this prevents cheating with the client modifying it’s unit’s positions unfairly.

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