Not blender

I’ve just bought the domain name - and I’ve created this pic, which I’m going to add music and animation to. What do you think? It’s going to be the header of my new blog, called the lazy housewife, telling people my tips and tricks for saving time on the housework, lol xxx


This looks great.


I have tips for that. Only tidy or clean once a decade, it only gets dirty again anyway,
After the first six months dirt and dust you do not notice the difference of years more.


Looks great, looks like one of those things where you add buttons to the objects, and then when you press them it says something about your life. For example you press one of the books and then a pop up comes up saying my favorite book is this… really great design overall!


thank you - I’m pretty proud of this one, it’s a real expressionist piece of artwork, lol xxx


I would have to agree with your style of housework, my house looks like a rubbish b


owl, I don’t even have a hoover and when you walk around the flat there is litter everywhere. I am so passionate about drawing that’s what I spend most of my time doing, I do wash up because I need to cook and eat


Oh dang, is that your house? I wouldn’t be able to live like that quite personally, I don’t know how your able to do that, really nice flowers btw!

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When I first got married I use to work 6 days a week and then on my day off I would clean from top to bottom, while my fella put his feet up. But I got so fed up with his lack of help that I decided we would live at his level. This is his level, and it’s so bad that he does clean now, because I don’t bother anymore. All I do with my time is draw, lol xxx

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Lol, I get it, good job working 6 days a week tho, I’m already tired because of 5 days of school lol.

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keep your chin up, life gets better, xxx

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I know, and I have it pretty easy, I’m only in 9th grade and I get to play sports, in actually in school right now lol

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This is a drawing of, the wonderful actor, Keanu Reeves. I drew this when I was tripping, I just found it on the floor, mixed up with rubbish. I loaded onto to my Mac and I’ve digitally enhanced the original pic, what do you think? xxx


Amazing drawings as usual!

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Thanks, I need some support. I feel sad, because, I have to split my time, between 2 full-time jobs, one job in adult massage, and, a ,second, unpaid, digital art and tutorials - for 48 hours a week. I’m off xxx

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Sounds tough, but I wish you the best of luck going forward, hopefully you can pursue more art.

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I picked up a pencil, 8 years ago. Once I started to draw and study art, and, animation I was hooked, I’m super happy and lucky t

o find my life’s passion. Happy Friday dude! xx


Happy Friday, I’m really glad you managed to find your passion, for me I’m pretty passionate with gamedev and hockey :ice_hockey:. You’ve definitely learned a lot in 8 years as I can see with the drawings above.

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I want to make - my own video game. I’m building up assets, for 7 enviroments, plus a male and female avatars. I do share your passion for video game design. xxx :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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That’s great, I can’t wait to see the great game you create!

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