Still not blender, lol xxx!




This is a drawing of, the wonderful actor, Keanu Reeves. I drew this when I was tripping, I just found it on the floor, mixed up with rubbish. I loaded onto to my Mac and I’ve digitally enhanced the original pic, what do you think? xxx


I did this digital painting, in photoshop, and for the record - just because I’m creating grate, Rave inspired, expressionist digital paintings - when I’m super high, lol xxx, there is not a filter that just does this, lol xxx.


Great artwork, I love all of the attention to details like on the hand that’s on the leg, or all the details in the face, or the scene as a whole that is filled with details, colors are also great, I’m loving how you’re blending some of the colors together in the scene, amazing job as usual!


Thanks for your positive feed back, and taking the time to notice, and look . I thought that you’re an artist too, I would love to see your artworks. xxx Happy Friday! xxx

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Well unfortunately I’m not very good on my artistic side, I’m more of a game dev, I have been working a little on my game using unity terrain tools which could be a form of art, but when it comes to drawing, I’m not the greatest :sweat_smile:.

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I am improving my artworks, slowely. I’m in the opposite corner from you, I must take the class on Unreal engine

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I’ve heard that unreal engine is really good, and it’s a perfect place for your artwork because it seems unreal focuses more in artwork than unity does, nice drawing btw.

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I can’t wait to learn Unreal engine. It’s a lot to learn, but I want to give it a go, xxx

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It is a lot to learn, but if you just commit a a hour a day for a month, it really adds up and you’d be well on your way to creating something great!

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I work 40 -80 hours a week on my art projects. xxx

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Oh wow, that’s what you call commitment😯

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I put in the hours, but it takes me a long time to learn new stuff, I have the concentrational span of a small fish, lol xxx

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Lol, I also have a small concentration span, I’ll be trying to do homework or gamedev, and then I find myself watching YouTube, lol. It doesn’t take too long for me learn new stuff, but that’s prolly because I’m still young.

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It’s not because I’m older, it’s because I’m a complete moron. lol xxx

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Lol, moron or not, you still have a lot of skill, you saw how good you got at art after years, so the same thing can happen with game dev. :grin:

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That would be awesome! xxx

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Yeah it sure would be awesome!

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I must get back to work, it was lovely chatting, I hope we can do it again, loves xxx :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hope so to😁

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I must say, I like the un-enhanced version better, it is more painting-like. While the enhanced version has a more modern look. I got the feeling mix of Van Gogh, Picasso, and also Andy Warhol. Great art study!


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