Not blender

Well - watch this space - coming in a year or 3, lol xxx. What sort of things/projects are you working on? xxx

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I’m working on an rpg game in unity right now, I plan to do this on my own, while taking excerpts from gamedev tvs rpg course such as inventory, mostly a learning experience that involves me building a fun game!

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cool! I wish you the best of luck, this video game designing is hard but super fun to be learning all these interesting skills. I’m working on my female avata’s hands, it’s coming together slowly, lol xxx

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Yeah it is pretty hard, I’m doing one of the rpg series, and Ray casting kinda confuses me, especially when it’s put inside a loop or function, I wish you the best as well with all your artwork!

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just a gentle reminder that we are a PG-13 community and can have young students.

If i could please ask that we don’t let the slightly more mature or adult related content creep into conversations please.
As a general reminder we cannot monitor direct messages and so be mindful of what is sent and who the target audience is.

much appreciated,



Yeah, I’m a kid myself, however looking back in this conversation, I do realize that this wouldn’t be Intended for kids such as myself. Maybe it’s best that the irrelevant stuff is removed, as this thread isn’t even about artwork at this point…


just working on a few different glasses, and a table

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yes, I now realise some community members are young xxx

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sorry if I have caused a problem for you. I just like chatting to all kinds of people around the world, who over the years have become my friends, loves xxx

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You didn’t cause any problems, however you are a married adult in her 30s, and I’m a kid who still has half a decade of school(not college) left, i honestly dont care but @OboShape is correct(despite my judgement), even though kids make up like 0.5% of the community, there still are kids, so talking about your job title might not be the best fit. Conversations are good, and friends are nice but what’s the purpose of having a friend who’s on the other side of the world, I for one am in Colorado so I highly doubt your location is near. I don’t care about the content of the convos but other might. Also on my end, I never realized that there were many kids, because everyone I talk to claims to be an adult. :raised_hands:

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Nice to hear from you, I hope you’re having an awesome today!? Like you said, I live on the other side of the world to you, but then so do the majority of my social media friends. But that’s okay because we can chat and be friends using, the wonderful invention, the internet. Before the internet I would try to be friends with the people I met where I lived, this was okay, but I never real found a friend I had much in common with, I just thought this was normal, but now I meet people on social media and I’ve found friends who I get on with great , and have things in common with. This has been a wonderful opportunity - for me - in my life. I know you’re younger than me, but age is just a number, if we click all the better, I think you can never have too many friends. How old are you? xxx

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I turned 15 a week ago

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well then, happy, happy belated birthday wishes to you! I will make sure, from now on, that all my posts and messages are PG13 rated, lol xxx

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I am creating a bar with bottles today, what do you think? xxxx


Sounds great, if you have anything to tell me that you think wouldn’t be suitable for a 12 year old you could always dm me.

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Great bottles, you should maybe try selling them on asset stores, great colors and nice transparecy on some of them, nice work as usual!

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Thanks for the feedback, and I hope your today is a great one!? All of my friends are on Facebook. Have you got a Facebook profile, or do you use any other social media, messages on Game are not private the way they are on Facebook. My Facebook profile is called Jess Bernstein and I live in Colchester, Essex, UK, you can look me up if you like? xxx

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Lol I don’t use Facebook, I’m more of a Snapchat type of person, gamdevtv seems fine, doesn’t it?

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I am in the process of drawing an, inside, of a night club, I’ve still got a long way to go. I don’t want to sell it as an asset, because I want it to be
unique for my game. I was watching a tutorial by Grant Abbott and I was quite relieved when he said it can take years to create artwork that you might see in a video game that already exists. Space XXX

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At game Dev.TV the messages are not private, whereas they are on Snapchat or Facebook. xxx

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